Glasgow (1867)


Some time ago, a prayer meeting was begun in a dwelling house in George Street, Mile-end, which at first was only attended by one or two, but the thirsting for the living water soon began. The dwelling house overflowed, and then Messrs Clark, thread manufacturers, kindly granted the use of a school room belonging to them, which has also failed us for room, owing to the great numbers who are falling at the foot of the cross. Every meeting night persons are crying for mercy, and numbers are praising the God of their salvation.

30, George Street, Mile-end, Glasgow.

"The Revival," 13th December 1866


The Lord is still continuing his blessings here. We have prayed long for Pentecostal showers, and the Lord is indeed sending down such blessings that we can scarcely find a place to hold those that are flocking to hear the glad tidings and taking shelter under the wing of our blessed Saviour, the only safe and lasting rest for perishing sinners. We devoted every night, from January 6 to 12, to prayer on behalf of India, not forgetting the perishing heathen at home. On Friday night, we had a visit from our beloved brother, Lauchlan McLachlan, in whose preaching we were greatly blessed. A few of our dear sisters connected with this mission have commenced a female meeting on Wednesday nights. They are getting many blessings from their heavenly father, for they are not ashamed to preach the gospel of Christ either in the factory, or in the warehouse, or wherever they think they can win souls. 

30, George-street, Mile-Enda

"The Revival," 24th January 1867

Additional Information

The building no longer exists

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