Meanwhile, a blessed revival had commenced in Newry, under noteworthy circumstances. A party in the town having intimated that the Lord had withdrawn His blessing from the Society, Mr Wood, the superintendent., replied, " No; God has not forsaken us, but will bless us, so that twenty souls will be converted before Saturday night." How he came to speak thus he could not tell; but according to his faith it was done unto him, as just exactly a score of persons within the time stated professed to receive the remission of sins. The good work conÂtinued and spread to such an extent that at the September quarterly meeting, there was an extraordinary outpouring of the Spirit of God. The cries of the penitents became so great and general that the service had to be turned into one of prayer and praise. Many of those who were anxious, formed: into separate groups, while the preachers and leaders went amongst them for exhortation and prayer. Others kept by themselves, and, 0,s if in secret before the Lord, earnestly sought His pardoning mercy. During the meeting, as well as could be ascertained, upwards of thirty were brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God, while within a fortnight no less than one hundred and twenty obtained the same blessing.
'History of Methodism in Ireland' Volume II, by Crookshank p176
Location unknown.