Dromore (1800)

Mr Joseph Armstrong, in describing the work on his circuit, says, that during the thirty-one years he had been connected with Methodism, and witnessed many revivals, he had never seen such a deep and general awakening. Frequently in preaching he was compelled to cease by loud and earnest cries of distress, while such was the anxiety of the penitents that they often wrestled with God for pardoning mercy until the break of clay. The December quarterly meeting at Ballinamallard, at which both the missionaries were present, was "like the day of Pentecost." On the day following, being the Sabbath, immediately after the close of the Church service, the itinerants commenced their meeting„ which continued until far on in the night. Amongst others converted was a young man afflicted with cancer, which was to have been cut out on the following day; but the Lord in mercy healed both body and soul, and thus rendered the operation unnecessary. Meetings were subsequently held at Cam, Kesh, Pettigo, Lowtherstown, Trillick, Togherdoo, and Dromore, and in each of these places the word of God was accompanied with converting power. At Kesh, a clerical magis­trate, who had bitterly opposed the work, heard for himself, was convinced of his error, and sought a private and friendly interview with Graham. At Pettigo, the members of a family residing in a house near where the missionaries stood, heard the word preached, were aroused to a sense of their sinfulness, and on a class being formed, at once gave in their names as candidates for membership. At Trillick, the people cried aloud for mercy in the open street; and at the close of the service many of them followed the servants of God to the house of John Funston, where they wept, and prayed, and rejoiced together until midnight. At Dromore, a vast crowd of Romanists, as well as Protestants, attended, and the number awakened to serious concern led to the formation of a society there.

'History of Methodism in Ireland' Volume II p201.

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Location unknown.

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