Armagh (1878)

At Armagh, for the past fortnight, nightly meetings have been conducted in a tent seated to hold 500, which has been often
crowded to excess. The accounts from this tent ran thus: "The Lord is working marvellously; husband sand wives, fathers and mothers sons and daughters, are professing to trust the Lord. Though the weather has been unfavourable - not one dry day - yet the people flock out and the tent has been packed, with some standing outside." The evangelists in Armagh are Charles Daniels and John Scroggie.

Another letter says:-"The Lord is doing great things; the number of anxious are increasing nightly; old men and women with their grey hair, and young men and maidens, are flocking to Jesus."

"The Christian," June 6th, 1878.

Mr J M Scroggie writes, "Every night during the last month our tent has been full; it has proved far too small on Sundays. Many have professed to rest their weary souls on Christ."

"The Christian," June 20th, 1878.

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