Downpatrick Methodist Church (1778)

Meanwhile, the Rev. E. Smyth having no further induce­ment to remain in Ballyculter, removed with his family to Downpatrick. Here he began at once to hold services in the open air; his extraordinary zeal, eventful history, superior talents, and gentlemanly appearance, all contributed to give success to his meetings. He did not, however, confine his labours to the town; but travelled through the country, preach­ing, holding love-feasts, and administering the Sacraments. Thus numerous Societies were formed. Mrs Smyth writes concerning him—" The success that attends his words is really amazing; there is scarce any place that he has preached that he has not had seals to his ministry, and these not a few. Many witness at the love-feasts, that he is their father in Christ."

'History of Methodism in Ireland' by Crookshank p310-11 and p315.

Additional Information

First Methodist Church in the area built by Rev E Smyth in 1777 on this site- see Ballyculter.

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