Pen yr Hoel Baptist Chapel (1859)

Our beloved pastor, who has laboured amongst us thirty eight years, was removed by death in June last. Mr Lawrence, who has lately returned from America, ls now our minister, and we are enjoying a revival of religion.

In the summer four times as many came as our chapel would hold, and Mr L. had to preach from a tombstone in the burial ground, in August we baptized four; two were son and daughter of our senior deacon, four of whose six children have now·thus put on Christ. In October eight others were baptised, and several more were on the way. Never before have we seen such an awakening among the people, Many who never attended public worship now come regularly, and seem anxious for salvation. Some come as far as ten miles to hear the Word of Life. We wish we had a larger place to receive them. 

From, "The Baptist Reporter," December 1859, page 374.

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