Cardiff (1862)

We have had dear Harrison Ord here for two nights. The Lord's work constantly makes some progress and the Revival services held at Canterbury Hall, in Bute Street, are more or less owned of God in the conversion of sinners. Last evening we had three fallen girls under impression two of them went to "The Home," three or four backsliders restored, and some sailors and two females found peace. We have seldom a meeting without some anxious and we hold the services every evening.
Canterbury Hall was, a few months ago, a dancing saloon, so we look upon it as a spoil from our enemy.

"The Revival," January 1st, 1863. 

In the beginning of 1862 Cardiff was visited by Dr and Mrs Palmer. This honoured servant and handmaid of the Lord made a stay in our midst for nearly two months, during which period a great and glorious work went on, an account of which was furnished to the readers of the Revival about that time. Since their visit most of our churches are in a more active state than before. In the summer of last year, Wm. Watkiss, a converted collier from Staffordshire, came and laboured among us for a fortnight. Just after he left Richard Weaver came over to help us. He was followed by Dr Cranage of Wellington. The labours of each of these individuals was owned by God in the conversion of very many precious souls. 

When Dr Cranage left, the minister of the Baptist chapel (where Dr Cranage had been labouring) continued the special meetings for one or two weeks, and at the close of those meetings, which took place about the beginning of September, the Lord touched the heart of one of his servants, who commenced holding Revival services every night at the Bute-street Temperance hall, late Collosseum (a place that has been wrested from the hands of the devil in order to promote religion and morality amongst the people). In the latter part of October the meetings were removed from the Temperance hall to the Canterbury hall, which had been previously a stronghold of sin and Satan, a place where iniquity abounded and where vice of every description was given full play without any restraint. Great blessing has followed the opening of this hall and nearly every night souls are saved from the enemy's power. Several of the ministers of the town have, with other friends, done much in the hands of God, in forwarding the work by coming to give addresses to the unconverted, and, as it is quite an unsectarian movement, any strangers coming into the town have an opportunity afforded them of exhorting sinners to flee
from the wrath to come.

"The Revival," February 12th, 1863.



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