Once again Mr Moody has broken fresh ground, by visiting a town in which his voice has not before been heard. The selection of Shrewsbury for a brief campaign was in response to a very warm and unanimous invitation from the Y.M.C.A., supported by ministers of all denominations, who have one and all loyally and heartily rallied round the evangelist.
But not only so: for a month or more before his visit the way had been prepared by earnest, united prayer. These old provincial towns are hard to move, and it was not remarkable that Mr Moody should be told on his arrival, that he had "struck a hard place this time." All the more need, therefore, that divine aid should be earnestly invoked, for truly "vain is the help of man." Indeed it is (as Mr Moody pointed out at one meeting), upon the "dry ground" that God's promise is to "pour floods, and once more that word has been verified.
With the thermometer at an abnormal figure, when the intense heat experienced last week was at its height, the evangelist entered the Music Hall, the largest available building in the town, on Thursday afternoon, to find that the windows were not made to be opened! Just arrived after a long journey, it would not have been surprising if he had found in such enervating conditions a serious obstacle to a successful commencement, but it was not so, and again in the evening the hall was packed with a large and most attentive audience. In view, however, of the intense heat, he wisely announced that on the following days, if weather permitted, the larger meetings would be held in the open air.
Finding on inquiry that most of those present were professing Christians, he set forth what he considered to be the essential qualifications for Christian service; and as he reasoned of faith, courage, enthusiasm, love, and other such fruits of the Spirit, it was evident that those who lacked them felt their need, and those who possessed them would seek them yet more abundantly In referring, by way of illustration, to the incident of the Good Samaritan, he pleaded hard for a "hand and foot"
Christianity, which would, for the sake of Christ, go out of its way to render practical assistance when required, not contenting itself with mere words or even pity. Too often are the concluding words of the narrative overlooked: "Go thou and do likewise."
Encouraged by the spirited interest manifested by the ministers and Christian workers present, Mr Moody decided to give them an hour's talk upon "How to Handle the Bible in Dealing with Inquirers." Accordingly, at nine a.m. on Friday, Rev F. Tinkler's Congregational church accommodated a goodly number desirous of rendering effective service in the Master's cause.
After insisting on the importance of personal work, and what be termed "the luxury of winning souls" for Christ, the evangelist enumerated various types of persons to be met with in an after-meeting - the self-righteous, the sceptic, the backslider, those under conviction of sin, those who lack assurance, or who know no joy. For each of these, suitable passages of Scripture were alluded to as suggestive of the line which might appropriately be taken in such cases, and judging from the busy time pencils and paper the hands of the audience, it may be hoped that such hints were put to the test during the ensuing evenings.
The spot selected for the open-air gatherings could not have been bettered. Shrewsbury boasts one of the largest and pleasantest recreation grounds to be found in the country. Several acres of meadow land flanking the Severn, with a small lake, abundant horticulture, and shaded by
planted a century and a half ago, afforded delightful refuge from the heat; and it was in one of the angles formed by the juncture of two avenues that a large crowd gathered in the afternoon to listen to the old Gospel, powerfully expounded by Mr Moody - a great improvement, as all agreed, upon the interior of the Music Hall.
But during the service, clouds began to steal across the sky, and though, with characteristic aptitude, Mr Moody made use of their presence to point an illustration in his discourse, they nevertheless brought with them sufficient rain to necessitate the holding of the evening meeting indoors.
Between these two meetings, however, Mr Moody gave another address to ministers and workers upon the office of the Holy Spirit and endowment for service. He declared criticism in the pew to be responsible for much lack of power in the pulpit, instancing in his own racy way how different might have been the result of Peter's address at Pentecost had James and John, Philip and Andrew occupied themselves thus. Then, too, much personal influence is foiled by an inconsistent walk before those we are anxious to reach, and in many such ways is the work of the Holy Spirit checked. The counsel was suited to all phases of church and home life and proved one of the most useful utterances of the mission.
In the evening, for the fourth time Mr Moody faced a large and expectant audience, in the Music Hall, and very faithfully did he expound the doctrine of the new birth. As usual, his address was prolific with illustrations drawn from personal observation and experience, and some very remarkable instances of men, deeply sunken in sin, having passed from death to life, were given. A solemn hush reigned throughout the hall, and when, at the close of the address, the speaker for the first time invited those who sought to learn the way of God more perfectly, to follow him into a smaller hall adjoining, there was a considerable response, and, so far as human observation could judge, some real work for eternity was done.
But encouraging as were the tokens accompanying these gatherings, Saturday and Sunday saw yet greater things than these. The large concourse of market folk, who seemed to take possession of the town to dispose of their produce, very greatly swelled the ranks of listeners who thronged "The Quarry" for the afternoon service in the open air on Saturday. Sturdy farmers, market gardeners, men and women of all ages and various ranks, stood side by side attentively listening to the Word of life as it was forcibly proclaimed by homely truth or vivid picture.
At the close of the address, an inquiry meeting was held on the spot, which presented the unusual sight of a popular pleasure resort converted at once into a trysting place for sinner and Saviour. No time was lost by the workers in seizing the opportunity to press home upon the anxious and the careless the importance of personal surrender to the King of kings. In the evening the weather necessitated the use of the Music Hall, which was as before (only more so!) taxed to its utmost capacity, the inquiry meeting proving very fruitful in result.
Then came the work of the Sabbath, commencing at 8.30 a.m., when a large throng assembled to learn how "the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost."
At 3 p.m., an immense concourse of from six to seven thousand persons met in the "Quarry," the most notable feature being the vast majority of men present. It was a grand sight that sea of bearded upturned faces, some tanned with the sun and in other ways bearing tokens of honest labour; others wearing the hardened look born of long indifference to the things of God; while in not a few were visible unmistakable traces of drink and debauch. What more suitable subject than " Sowing and Reaping" to such a crowd as this; and it was manifest that the truths urged and pointed by frequent allusions to the customs which the agriculturist knows so well, went with the arrow of conviction to the heart and conscience of not a few. This was further evidenced by the promptness with which was accepted the preacher's invitation to meet him in the Music Hall, as he was direct from the one place to the other. Off trooped the throng, traversing the half-mile intervening in a very few minutes, until to those unable to walk so fast was conveyed the unwelcome intelligence that the hall was packed and that no more room could be found. To those assembled inside Mr Moody described the blessedness of the two Rests of Matt. xi. 28-30, and a time of great solemnity was experienced.
The evening meeting was fixed for the Music Hall, which was filled an hour before the time; it was then found that a large concourse had also collected in "The Quarry." These were ultimately gathered into the Workman's Hall, where Mr W. R. Lane preached, and for the further overflow an open-air service was held in the Market Square. Mr Moody's discourse on Herod was as appropriate as that in the afternoon, as he pressed immediate decision upon those who were "not far from the kingdom of God." The workers rallied well to the privilege of dealing with the anxious and were rewarded by the profession of many who had entered into the joy of the Lord.
A farewell meeting was held in Castlegate Congregational Church on Monday morning, at which some wise counsels and practical hints were given for the living out of the blessing that had been received. The work of following up was entrusted to Mr Lane, who continued until Wednesday evening.
A minister of the town writes:- "Shrewsbury has been greatly blessed, and praying people have shared in the fulfilment of the promise of Pentecost. At first it was felt to be a great disappointment that Mr Sankey was not coming, but from the time that the tide began to rise the assemblies forgot man that they might listen to what the Lord would speak. It was manilest that the Lord had come up with his servant and co-workers, for all felt the constraint of the Holy Ghost within, and witnessed his power resting on each of them. Ministers, officers, and members of the churches have been united in the waiting for the blessing and it has come; they have been revived by seeing the joy of others finding salvation by being born again. During a pastorate of nearly twenty years. I have seen nothing like this as a revival of religion in this dear old town."
From, "The Christian," June 16th, 1892.
Mr W. R. LANE has been carrying on the Mission here since Mr Moody's departure for Wolverhampton, and the numbers who have crowded nightly to hear the Gospel simply and faithfully spoken have been most encouraging. Very great interest has evidently been awakened in the town and neighbourhood. The culminating point of the Mission was reached on Wednesday - the last day - when the hall was full. As the evangelist made his final appeal to the unsaved, a great stillness fell upon the listening assembly. A number entered the inquiry-room and were dealt with by Mr Lane and the workers, and in response to his invitation nearly all rose at length and audibly confessed Christ. It is believed that above one hundred persons have given in their names as converts, and for these a thanksgiving meeting is to be arranged.
From, "The Christian," June 23rd, 1892.