Hengler's Circus, Hull -D L Moody (1892)


Some time since a requisition, signed by fifty clergymen and ministers, came from Hull to Messrs Moody and Sankey, inviting them to conduct a Mission in that town. Until last week a favourable response could not be sent. A large and influential gathering of ministers and laymen met on Saturday afternoon, and after a season of prayer formed themselves into a General Committee. From this an Executive Committee, to carry out details, was appointed; it includes: Rev John G. Train (Presbyterian Chairman), Rev Canon McCormick, (Vicar of Hull), Rev J. F. Simmons (Vicar of Christ Church), Rev W. Malty (Wesleyan), Rev A. E. Abel (Congregationalist), Rev J. M Murphy (Baptist),  with Rev J. Wright Moore (of St. Philip's) as Secretary, and two laymen from each denomination. Hengler's Circus, the building in the town has been largest secured for the Mission, which commences this (Thursday) evening and will last over the following Sunday.

From, "The Christian," June 2nd, 1892.



We began a united prayer meeting, at noon, each day, so soon as intimation was received of Mr Moody's intention to come to Hull. The spontaneousness, definiteness, and " grip" of the prayers presented from day to day told plainly of the promptings of the Holy Spirit and afforded foretaste and pledge of larger blessing. In this meeting, as in all the meetings of the Mission proper, the spirit of unity has prevailed. Men of the Church of England, Methodists, Baptists Congregationalists, and, Presbyterians have been "of one accord." The " thirsty" in all the churches have been crying that God would "pour water" on them; and indeed, He has "refreshed his inheritance when it was weary." The experience of refreshment in the case of his people has issued as always in awakening among the careless for, there have been "floods upon the dry ground."

Mr Moody had no Sabbath last week! day that he usually gives to rest - Saturday - he was good enough, in view of the encouraging character of the meetings on Thursday and Friday, to give to work, and the results amply justified his determination. Large audiences gathered both afternoon and evening, notwithstanding all the attractions of Whitsuntide excursions, and the enquiry meeting on Saturday night was singularly fruitful in intimations of decision for Christ.

Yesterday (Whit-Sunday) Mr Moody's programme was a very full one - meeting for Christians at nine, for non-churchgoers at eleven, for women at three, for men at 7.45. The first meeting, that for Christians, took the thoughts of all present back to Pentecost, or perhaps, one should rather say, brought all present under the very Power that made Pentecost what it was. The circus, where all the meetings are being held - was full, and when it is mentioned that it is seated for 3500 it will be recognised that at such an early hour and during a holiday season such a gathering was phenomenal.

At the 11 o'clock meeting, for non-churchgoers, the Circus was again full. In the afternoon, when the women had their opportunity, they used it well, for the place was packed, and a spirit of very deep tenderness and contrition prevailed.

In the evening, when the men assembled, the circus seemed to be floored, and walled, and almost ceiled with men, so enormous and overpowering was the audience. But more overpowering than the audience was the power of the Spirit that dominated all while the Gospel was preached. It was easy for Mr Moody at the close of his sermon to get, with remarkable rapidity, but with as remarkable reverence, intimations of decision for Christ on the part of so many that those interested happily lost count. But many went into the inquiry room afterwards—not in every case, however, to inquire, but to confess Christ, or simply to receive from the workers something of the Word of God that might be for the confirmation of their faith. Some of those spoken to were strangers who had come into Hull for Whitsuntide, little knowing that they were to meet the Lord here and to go back to their homes new creatures in Him.

This day (Whit-Monday) is Mr Moody's last day with us. He has kindly said that he will take an extra meeting this morning at the other side of the town, but in the afternoon and evening he speaks again at the Circus. We anticipate. that the last day will be the best day, and that new confirmation will be given to the words: "The hour now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live."

From, "The Christian," June 9th,1892.


WHIT-MONDAY witnessed enormous gatherings at the Circus in Hull, both afternoon and evening. This was the more remarkable that the day was so fine, and the inducements to go out of town exceptionally numerous.

The power attending the gatherings was quite as noteworthy as their size. The afternoon meeting proved a season of deep heart-searching with regard to family life particularly, and the number of spoken requests for prayer, uttered at the after-meeting on the part of individuals, both for themselves and for their loved ones, told how deep an impression the Word had made,

Every inch, even of standing room, appeared to be occupied at the evening meeting, and when the after-meeting was announced it seemed as if almost the entire audience desired to remain. The inadequate accommodation afforded by the side rooms for meetings with inquirers was heartily and speedily taken advantage of, Canon McCormick being left by Mr Moody in charge of the large gathering in the circus proper. While that great gathering continued in prayer, many workers were busy in the side rooms endeavouring to direct the anxious.

As in the previous evening, it was found that so real had been "the demonstration of the Spirit" in connection with the preaching of the Word that, even as Mr Moody had been speaking, some had "passed from death to life,"

Of course, we are disposed to regret that the Mission could not be longer and that we could not follow it up by further services in the same place; but that a very profound and widespread impression has been made there can be no question. We are deeply thankful that Mr Moody's way has been directed to Hull and very confident that the results of the visit he has paid us, brief as it was, will be recognisable in the quickened life of all the churches interested for many days to come.

From, "The Christian," June 16th, 1892.

Additional Information

Now there are high rises where the Circus was.

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