Mr Moody held meetings in Preston during the early part of last week. Large audiences of from four to five thousand people assembled in the public hall on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, excursion trains being run for the convenience of residents in the surrounding district who were desirous of attending. The word was with power, and Mr Moody and his helpers were kept very busy with inquirers at the after-meetings.
A local newspaper says:- "Perhaps the most striking fact about the gatherings has been the large number of men of all positions in life - but more especially working men—who have attended, and whom it was easy to perceive are not in the habit of attending religious services. Another significant fact has been the large number of Church people who have been in attendance, the members or the adult Bible classes at the various Church Sunday schools being present in hundreds. Mr Moody was very anxious that men should attend the meetings, and he attained his wish, for never before have so many men been seen at a religious service in Preston.
In the course of his preaching, Mr Moody exposed the prevailing indifference to the claims of God and denounced the formalism which is the religious all of so many nominal Christians. Opening up some of the fundamental truths of the Gospel, he strongly appealed to his hearers to make Christ their trust and to find in Him an end of all their fears and a satisfaction of all their desires. The newspaper already quoted from says: "A very large proportion of the population of Preston do not attend any place of worship, and thousands of this class have been prevailed upon to hear Mr Moody." Better news still is that many were enlightened in spiritual things, and some confessed the name of Christ and took upon themselves the obligation of being his servants. The workers rejoice in these evidences of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.
From, "The Christian," August 11th, 1892.
The building was partly demolished in 1986.