Middlesborough Town Hall - D L Moody (1892)


Middlesbrough has been stirred by a visit from Mr D. L. Moody. For some time past the Christian community have been eagerly looking forward to the Mission, and hopeful as to its results. Now we rejoice to say that great as were our expectations they have been exceeded.

On Saturday afternoon we had a large congregation of people from the outlying country, who were in town attending market. For more than an hour Mr Moody spoke on the "Grace of God," as revealed in Jesus Christ, in each a plain and forcible manner that many of his hearers were visibly impressed. The evening meeting was held in the Temperance Hall, and Mr Mood enforced some plain truths regarding the "Office and Work of the Holy Spirit."

Sunday was a day never to be forgotten in Middlesbrough. We commenced with about six hundred people at the first meeting held at 7 a.m. Christian workers of every class were there, and listened with rapt attention to Mr Moody's address on the "Baptism of the Spirit for Service." At 11 a.m. a ticket meeting for non-churchgoers was held, and about sixteen hundred people assembled. The afternoon meeting was announced for the open air, but owing to the intense heat and the impossibility of making such an immense concourse of people hear, the meeting outside was shortened, and afterwards an adjournment was made to the Town Hall, where quite four thousand people were gathered. Here for another hour, Mr Moody held the immense audience, and as he forced home the truth of God, it was very evident the Holy Spirit was doing his convincing work. 

In the evening we reached a climax. After crowding the Temperance Hall with an audience or more than two thousand, the Town Hall was secured for an overflow meeting, and about 3800 people were gathered there. Mr Moody addressed the first meeting and then proceeded to the Town Hall, where, for the sixth time that day, he faced a large congregation, addressing them with wonderful unction and power. How our hearts rejoiced at the close of the meeting to hear the "I wills" come up from all parts of the vast audience in response to Mr Moody's question: "Who will now receive Christ as Saviour"?  Mr Burke's solo singing seemed to take hold of the people in a marked way.

We who have had the joy of working with Mr Moody in this Mission have had much blessing and much encouragement, and are praying that the God of all grace will enable us to keep hold of all who have in these meetings been won for our Master.

From, "The Christian," July 28th, 1892.

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