At the invitation of ministers and laymen of all denominations, Mr Moody paid an all too short visit of two days to Macclesfield. Fears were expressed that, following so closely upon the election, it was the wrong time; but God showed, by the numbers who gathered together, the interest manifested and the blessing experienced by many, that He can and does overrule all things for the advancement of his own kingdom. Such large day meetings had never been known in Macclesfield before.
At the first meeting the evangelist addressed himself specially to Christian workers and spoke of the faith, courage, enthusiasm, perseverance, love for the work, and human sympathy, needed in work for the Lord. On Friday morning the address was specially to parents, when numbers were roused to a sense of their duty to their children and their responsibility in God's sight. In the afternoon a large company gathered again in the Drill Hall to hear the preacher speak on "Prayer and its Elements," and to prove their faith in its power by remaining behind to entreat God's blessing on themselves and their children. A still larger number assembled in the evening. The different refuges of lies in which so many trust for salvation, were faithfully dealt with and unsparingly exposed.
At the close of the last meeting, many names were given in belonging to one of three classes. (1) those who lacked assurance, (2) back-sliders, (3) those seeking salvation. The evangelist was accompanied by Mr J. H. Burke, whose sweet singing touched many hearts. His rendering of the now universal favourite " Throw out the lifeline" was specially appreciated, and the song was repeated by request.
Mr W. R. Lane, having been invited to continue the mission, held meetings on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday evenings when he dealt powerfully with the heinousness of sin in God's sight, and the absolute necessity for the new birth. The fruits of these services will be known only in eternity; many openly confessed to having experienced blessing, and others, by tearful countenance and subdued manner showed how their nature had been stirred to its depths. Messrs. Lane and Richard Weaver addressed an open-air meeting on Sunday afternoon when their words were listened to by a vast crowd of interested hearers.
From, "The Christian," July 28th, 1892.
Probably here, but there may have been other Drill Halls in the town,