BEFORE beginning his sermon at Coleraine on Thursday evening Mr Moody did as he had done at Derry and elsewhere - besought much earnest, believing prayer on behalf of the month of special effort on which he had entered in Ireland. "God seems to be coming very near! I do not know when I have spent two such days as the two that have just passed." As one who has been a close and interested observer of Mr Moody's evangelistic work in the three kingdoms, I can fully endorse his remark. If large and eager crowds coming together at every meeting, listening to the Gospel message with the most rapt attention, and showing a ready response to the call for a manifestation of spiritual concern - these things are symptomatic of impending widespread revival, and there is good and sufficient reason for the hopes of the trish friends to run high, and for their faith to be strong on the wing, in view of the coming visitation of God in this strangely fascinating land.
Do not let us suppose, however, that the Divine action is arbitrary in this matter. Mr Moody is fond of saying that the set time to favour Zion in any nation is the time when the Church of Christ is ready and willing and anxious to be blessed. From all parts of Ireland there are clear indications that the hour is ripe and that the Christians are ready. It must also be admitted that Mr Moody, the chief human agent, is throwing himself into the work with a spirit and an ardour that bespeak a fresh anointing with the oil of consecration and an added enducement of power. The way in which he survives the constant physical strain and spiritual tension is a standing marvel. What he has recently gone through is a striking instance in point. Last week it was noted in these columns that after conducting four public services, with a couple of after-meetings added, in Southampton on the Sabbath, he started soon after midnight to travel almost continuously from the extreme south of England to the far north of Ireland. Mr. Moody is a poor sailor, but the journey across the Irish Channel was made in tolerable comfort, though with little real rest. Shortly after reaching Dublin he was facing an audience of a thousand Christian workers, rousing them by his plain and pungent words to attempt large things for a projected week's mission in that city. Early next morning he was enroute for Belfast. Here immediately on arrival he visited the leviathan structure in which his meetings are being held this week. He afterwards met the local committee and took earnest counsel with them as to the preparation for the coming mission. Then the journey northwards was resumed, till Londonderry was reached on the Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. In the little company that travelled with the evangelist, were Mr J. H. Burke, his singing lieutenant, and Dr Williamson, of Fisherwick-place Presbyterian Church, Belfast. Dr Williamson is quite a veteran in revival work, and he gave himself very heartily to help Mr Moody during this flying run to the northern counties of Derry and Antrim.
is an important and picturesquely situated town at the estuary of the river Foyle; it is the largest seat of population north of Belfast, having nearly 30,000. It is a place that will ever be memorable in the annals of Irish history, for the Derry boys resisted the determined siege of the Popish James II in 1688 for over a hundred days, and were eventually relieved, though at a considerable loss of life. The walls of the city, which stood the Protestant defenders in such good stead in that troublous time, are still intact and form a promenade encircling the centre of the town, whose boundaries have now far out-grown them.
Mr Moody's visit to Derry was very brief, but it will leave behind it precious memories with many. An hour after reaching the town the evangelist had to take his place in the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church and preach to a congregation that completely blocked passages and doorways and every available corner. An overflow was held in another building, where Dr Williamson was the preacher. That evening's work was an auspicious beginning of Mr Moody's third evangelistic visit to Ireland. Next afternoon a large assemblage came together again, and the final meeting in Derry was held on Tuesday evening. At the close of his address, which was a very powerful one, on the peril of coming near to the kingdom of heaven and missing it at last, Mr Moody invited the anxious to adjourn with him to another church, where he would still further explain to them the way of life. This building was some five minutes walk distant, but the stranger had no difficulty in finding his way thither in the darkness if he followed the crowd. The large area of the church was well filled with those desiring to hear more about salvation, and the readiness with which many responded to the evangelist's invitation to a public and audible confession of Christ must have filled his heart with joy, and been to him a token for good as a result of his labours in Ireland.
The local friends arranged to fall in with Mr Moody's suggestion of continuing the special effort during the week, and doubtless they will reap much additional fruit. It was hoped that Mr Merton Smith might come over from Scotland and follow up, but engagements already contracted would not allow.
From, "The Christian," September 1st, 1892.