The Great Ulster Convention Hall, Belfast - D L Moody (1892)

One of the things that bring great encouragement to Mr Moody as he goes up and down the kingdom is the assurance he constantly receives of the permanency of his previous labours amongst us. When travelling by rail last week a head was popped into the window of the carriage at one station, and the owner exultingly told the evangelist that through his meetings in Glasgow he had been converted, and he was now working away for the Master. Here, in Belfast, it is delightful to be told that many of the young men now active and prominent in Christian work in the city, are the fruit of Messrs Moody and Sankey's mission in the city eighteen years ago.

It was a singularly happy circumstance that the great wooden structure known as the Convention Hall was secured for the missIon. There is no permanent building in the city that is anything like large enough, and it is an open secret that Mr Moody would not have visited Belfast at this time unless this capacious building were available. The committee, I understand, had some little difficulty in getting the necessary permission, but some of them are not easily daunted, and perseverance at length prevailed. The hall is nearly square in form, and admirably built for hearing. The local brethren have certainly taken effectual steps by personal visitation and by flaming posters, as well as newspaper advertisement, to make the meetings known, and special facilities will be granted, I understand, by the railway companies. Mr Moody's original idea was to restrict the Belfast visit to a week, but if a strong religious interest develops in the early meetings, in all likelihood the mission will extend over a fortnight. There is an obvious gain in having one large convenient centre to which the surrounding populations may resort. The cumulative infiuence that is largely lacking in very short missions will have fuller scope.


on Sabbath morning at eight o'clock was a splendid disappointment to any of little faith who feared that such a big building could not be filled at such an hour. By eight o'clock the vast quadrangle was literally a sea of faces, and there was scarcely a    vacant seat. It was a spectacle to rejoice any Christian heart and one that has not been seen, I suppose, even at Mr Moody's meetings, since the old days of the Agricultural Hall, Islington. The place of meeting is at the extreme western outskirts of the city, and, of course, many had to walk a considerable distance. A moderate calculation set down the attendance at 9,000.

After Mr Burke had rung out in good style "When the mists have rolled away" and " Behold, what manner of Love," and earnest prayer had been offered by Archdeacon Leaver and Dr. Williamson, the evangelist took as the appropriate subject of his opening address "The Bible." He had previously taken pains to find out that all in the vast throng could hear his voice. If there is to be a genuine work of God in Belfast, he said, it must be in connection with the Old Book. If we go according to the views of our fellow men we may be led astray, but if we obey our written instructions we are in the safe path. The reason why so many modern movements have failed is because they have not been based on scriptural grounds. Of what use is a Christian for work or warfare unless he knows and understands his Bible? A well-drilled army of a thousand soldiers will put to rout 100,000 who do not know how to handle their weapons. Mr Moody went on to urge with customary alertness and cogency that we must accept God's revelation as a whole and not cut and carve it to suit our own ideas. Then he told of the wonderful increase of Bible circulation in recent times. Instead of the Bible becoming effete or "going out" it is only just "coming in." What, he asked, has made Great Britain the nation it is? The Bible and the place given to the Bible. Spain went down in the scale of nations because she withheld the Bible from the world, and France is following the same evil example with the same result. It will be a dark day for Great Britain and Ireland if they give up the old Book. If America and England were fully united in carrying the Gospel to the ends of the earth the whole of the heathen nations might be evangelised inside of the next twenty-five years. Mr Moody on this trip endeavours to avoid any matter that would create prejudice in the minds of the Roman Catholics and would be a bar to their attending his services, but this morning he felt constrained to urge that all the Protestant nations should get closer to each other, and combine to hold on to the Bible. In his closing prayer, also, he thanked God that we were living in a country where we have liberty to read the Scriptures without interference or disturbance from anyone.

Drawing his remarks to a close, he said he had been praying to God that this mission would result in blessing that will extend far beyond the boundaries of Belfast, or even of Ireland. Why should not God raise up here a great multitude and send them forth to preach his Gospel to the ends of the earth

Probably the address was not what many in the audience expected, but Mr Moody has not been slow to learn the lessons of experience, and so he laid the foundations of his teaching broad and firm on the eternal Word of the Lord. We cannot doubt but God will honour him in the coming days with the seal of abundant success.

From, "The Christian, September 1st, 1892

Every circumstance of the Belfast meetings has been of the most gratifying sort, with one exception —the weather. From the point of comfort that was about as bad as bad could be during the greater part of last week. Day after day a dull canopy of black clouds overspread the sky, and these emptied themselves out on the city with pitiless perseverance. The visitor from a less humid clime began to wonder if it ever did anything else but rain in Belfast, and he got little satisfaction from catechising the natives. "Yes; it rains pretty often here. The people are accustomed to it, and they do not mind it." So it really seems; for the rain did not very greatly affect the evening attendance at the great wooden pavilion. Let the downpour be as great as it had a mind to, the hall was filled all the same - except perhaps a few seats in out-of-the-way corners. On the Monday evening Mr Moody said he was glad when he saw the rain because he knew that those who came would be in earnest, and something would be done. He might have repeated the remark over and over again on successive evenings. More earnest and attentive crowds one could scarcely conceive.

The wet weather not only tested the spirit and temper of the people, but it really appeared to be providential in keeping down the attendance within workable limits. What overflows there would have been with the inevitable disappointment, if the skies had been sunny, the experience of last Sunday afternoon and evening amply proved. Nine or ten thousand souls is a grand assemblage to be hanging on the lips of one man; especially when all are well within the sound and influence of his voice. This square wooden shed is a masterpiece of construction so far as its acoustic properties go, and Mr Moody confesses that it is far the best building of its kind he has ever had the privilege of speaking in. The very fact of its being here, at the time when it was needed for this mission, is not the least noteworthy token of a Divine overruling hand in the affairs of men that modern Irish history has revealed.

Great crowds flocking to hear a famous preacher is no uncommon spectacle in this curious and novelty-loving age. But the experiences of the past week have shown that curiosity has had little to do with it. On the first Sabbath afternoon I overheard a conversation among a little group of people in the dispersing multitude; it was to the effect that the novelty would soon rub off, and the attraction would cease to a great extent. The remark showed great ignorance both of the eternal, unchanging needs of the human heart and of the glorious provision that God has made in the Gospel of his grace for satisfying these needs. At any rate, whatever motive may have brought the masses of people together night after night, the after-meetings have abundantly shown that, as of old, the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation those who believe.

In his discourses, Mr Moody has seemed to excel himself every time. Of course, he has no time to frame or evolve new addresses; but there is no need. His sermons have become so interwoven with the very fibre and texture of his being, that every time he speaks he is, as it were, pouring forth the warm blood from his capacious heart, and the hearers become transfused with his simple unquestioning faith and his vivid realisation of the things of God and of the unseen world. In addition to that, his preaching is so far removed from the region of mere theory and ingenious speculation and is so charged with practical bearing on the daily life of toiling, moiling, sinning, suffering men and women, that it finds its way to the universal mind and conscience by the very momentum of its inherent truthfulness and suitability.


It has been to see the way in which the ordained ministry of the city and surrounding districts has rallied to the meetings in the Convention Hall. Every evening they have sat in serried ranks along the front of the great platform, listening with interested and concentrated attention to the burning utterances of the evangelist. Their numbers have kept increasing so that the choir has been pushed backwards to make room for them. It is a pregnant fact in itself that from three to four score of these spiritual leaders of the people, belonging to all Evangelical denominations, have night after night been drinking in the teaching and spirit, and watching the methods by which Mr Moody gently and skilfully leads the people, through contrition and spiritual concern, on to the great decisive action of the will that we term conversion. As to names and sects and parties, they are totally unknown and disregarded! A stranger looking at the array of gentlemen in clerical attire would get the faintest hint from their appearance or their speech in prayer to what section of the Church Universal they belong; except in the case of good Archdeacon Seaver, whose ecclesiastical breeches betray him, but who stands on his church dignity as little as any man whoever had to "perform archidiaconal functions," whatever they may be.

In one of his Bible readings in St. Enoch's Church, Mr Moody dwelt with unconcealed glee on the growing spirit of manifested unity that now prevails among those of different religious communions. He said he could remember the time when even at a meeting on behalf of the Bible Society no minister could stand up to speak without hedging his position and asserting his denominational fidelity. There was condescension enough in one of those ancient speeches to sink the whole meeting. Nowadays it was very different. Though he was speaking at the moment in a Presbyterian church, Mr Moody thanked God, greatly to the amusement of everybody, that he had not met a Presbyterian for a long time; ministers of all the churches were known as Christians and nothing more. There is no great daring in the assertion, I imagine, that infinitely more is being done, by this visit of Mr Moody to our shores, for the real "Reunion of Christendom" than a decade of Grindelwald Conferences can hope to accomplish.

All the ministers are on the platform, however. There are still some timid gentlemen of the white neckcloth who have not got further than the outside fringe of the crowd. They are of such as belong to "the cult of the jumping cat," to use an expressive if somewhat vulgar simile. If the mission, by any fortuitous mischance, were to fall short of success, they would make haste to justify their cautious attitude and say, "I told you so." Now that fruition is not a matter of doubt, it is to be hoped that they will launch off into the flowing tide and give the movement the benefit of their hearty cooperation, as well as get for themselves the blessing that a mere critical onlooker cannot reasonably expect.


Reference has been made to these, but they deserve more detailed notice. These after-meetings for inquiry and personal dealing are really the heart and soul of this work, and it is a remarkable thing that the regular pastorate fight so shy of them as a rule. Of course, it would be possible to stereotype the after-meeting, as the ordinary church service has become largely stereotyped, and been, therefore, shorn of a full half of its spiritual utility. In the Bible Reading I have already alluded, to Mr Moody observed that one reason why there are so few conversions at the regular church services is the personal strifes that have come in between members of the church. But he might have given, as a still stronger reason, the absence of any systematic attempt to bring conviction up to the point of conversion. One can suppose that even with Mr Moody's own powerfully direct and simple Gospel preaching, if he took no steps to garner the fruits there would be comparatively little to show in the way of swelling the rolls of church membership. So long as a man has not "committed" himself in a definite way to the faith and service of Christ, the devil has an excellent chance of retaining him. When will ministers learn this and act accordingly?

It is not an easy matter to manipulate an after-meeting successfully in such gigantic assemblages as those that have crowded the Convention Hall. There is no suitable building near enough to the hall, especially in these wet evenings, into which to draft the anxious and the undecided. So the meetings for inquiry have been held under the same roof as the larger service. The inquiry work began on the Monday evening somewhat unexpectedly. The evangelist had spoken to Christians that evening, and, except indirectly, little had been said to arouse spiritual concern. A meeting for prayer was called at the close. When it was going on, and while requests on behalf of relatives or friends were being presented, a lady rose to say that a sister sitting beside her desired for herself. Quick to seize the opportunity, Mr Moody voiced the request and asked if there were not others throughout the building who desired to present themselves for prayer. There were a great many responses. Here was a genuine indication that the Spirit of God had been at work, and with the wisdom born of experience Mr Moody at once changed the complexion of the proceedings from a prayer meeting to one for personal dealing. After getting a large number of individual responses, he asked all the anxious ones to move across to one corner of the floor, now empty. This was done, and the work of hand-to-hand dealing began. With a good supply of workers, the results were most encouraging, and on that first weeknight, the stamp of God's blessing was given by quite a number of decisions. Mr Moody had thought that probably on such a wet evening only earnest Christians would take the trouble to come, and addressed himself to them. But his Master was better to him even than his expectation, and the reaping work began.

It has gone on in increasing volume every evening since. Perhaps the most apparently fruitful occasion has been on the evening when Mr Moody preached on the necessity of the new birth. The numbers of those who rose that night to ask a place in the prayers of the believers were so great that all estimate of them was lost. To all human seeming the work of conviction and the spirit of anxious inquiry have been very real. The fruits already gathered have been valuable enough to justify the special effort, but what has been experienced up to the date of writing these lines is only regarded as the first fruits of a blessed and plentiful harvest.


are held every evening in Rev G. Shaw's Presbyterian church nearby, at the close of the address in the hall. They are chiefly intended for testimony, and with the view of getting the young converts to take a stand among their fellows and open their lips for the Master. They are in charge of Mr Seagram. On the Wednesday, as Rev John Robertson, of Gorbals, Glasgow, was passing through the city, he was asked to address the young men. A great company gathered in the church and listened with the deepest interest to Mr Robertson's discourse, which was thoroughly characteristic of him. It was a series of illustrative pictures, drawn mostly from his own experience, all told in the most vivid and realistic but homely way, each picture giving emphasis to some thought in connection with the preciousness of Christ as the one who has given his life for the sin of the world. In the later meetings of the week there have been testimonies given by some who had come to the point of decision since the mission began. Inquirers have also been dealt with, and many added to the roll of the converts...


on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons were held in the largest Presbyterian church in the town, St. Enoch's, in the northern district of the city. The place will seat over 2,000 people and has been crowded each day. Mr Moody's addresses have been varied in topic, but all in his most stirring vein. The subjects were:—"The Elements of True Prayer," "Threefold Grace," and"How to Gain Assurance." Words have been spoken calculated to reach the hearts of saint and sinner alike. Following the address there have been touching prayer meetings, and also meetings for personal dealing, when the workers have found happy occupation in helping the troubled or doubting or hesitating souls into the clear light of conscious trust and peace.


has been well to the front throughout the week. The fine choir (which is 400, and not 300, strong, as I stated in mistake last week) has given a service of praise for half an hour or more each evening before the regular meeting began, and their hearty, and intelligent rendering of the hymns has afforded a great treat to all who have an ear and heart attuned to the music of the Gospel. The choir singing has been interspersed with solos by Mr Burke, whose fine and highly-trained voice floods the great building with rich notes of praise and melodious Gospel message. One evening he was accompanied by Mr Vance in the singing of that expressive song, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow." On another occasion the male choir sang splendidly, led by Mr Vance. Mr Moody, who enters into the song with all the enthusiasm of a connoisseur, varies the programme now and then by asking the people in the gallery to take up a chorus on their own account, and it is surprising how readily they pick up unfamiliar strains.


of the mission deserve special mention. The wide-awake secretaries of the committee eary bespoke the good offices of the daily press, and these have responded in a very praiseworthy way. Not only have the tone and spirit of their critical observations been of the most friendly kind, but they have given fairly extended and well-condensed summaries of the addresses from day to day. Mr Moody has not been slow to express his appreciation of this action. Not that he is anxious on his own account to have his addresses reported - quite the contrary. But he sees that the reports of Gospel texts and appeals through the medium of the press will go into many strange places and into distant corners of the country where his voice could never be heard. I have not seen in any of the papers an unkind or discourteous word about the meeetings which in view of some past experiences in other parts of the kingdom is much to be grateful for. Your weekly contemporary, the Belfast Witness, has given special and lengthy accounts.


was a memorable time in a week charged with solemn and gladsome memories. There was an immense audience in the great hall, to whom Mr Moody preached on "Confessing Christ." His words manifestly winged home by the Spirit to the hearers' hearts, and at the close of the moving discourse, the meeting seemed as melted wax, ready to receive the impression of the Divine sealing. He had, in his address made a strong appeal that all the young men who had been blessed during the week, or who were then willing to confess Christ, should go to the men's meeting in the church and bear testimony before their fellows. Then, after prayer, and before the assemblage broke up he was moved to throw down a challenge to all in the great congregation to declare their desire to confess Christ on the spot. The effect was almost electric. The responses came at once in growing volume from all parts of the building, some in loud firm tones, others in the accents of fear and trembling. It was one of the most remarkable and affecting expressions of feeling that I remember ever to have witnessed at the meetings held by the evangelist. Mr Moody himself was greatly overcome, and the awe of God seemed to be resting on the whole assembly.

There was a large and deeply interesting after-meeting, at which many were conversed with and led up to the point of definite decision. Meantime the area of the Presbyterian Church in Fitzroy avenue was filled with a throng of men, and another unforgettable time was experienced. After a song by Mr Burke, sung with great pathos - "Welcome, Wanderer, Welcome " -Mr Seagram read a passage and threw the meeting open for brief testimonies. These came fast and thick, mostly from young fellows who had been converted on some of the bygone evenings of the week. Every evening had its quota, but the great majority said that it was on the Tuesday evening that they had stepped over the line. On that evening Mr Moody's subject was "Sowing and Reaping," and these testimonies showed that his message had found its mark in many a case. Others who spoke said they had been brought to know the Saviour months and year's ago, but they had never openly confessed Him until now. This was Mr Moody's last meeting of the week, and it was a fitting crown to all that had gone before.


With his omnivorous appetite for work, Mr Moody planned four meetings for Sabbath morning, forenoon, afternoon, and evening. His suggestion that there should be a service at 11 a.m. for "non-churchgoers" was cordially agreed to by the  Belfast ministers (with a single exception), at a meeting specially convened, and they warmly entered into his plans for getting the tickets of admission into the hands of the right class of people, of whom there is a great body in the city. As the sequel proved, Mr Moody's anticipations were fully realised and the meeting for the "lapsed masses" was probably the most fruitful of any yet held in the great Convention Hall.


at eight o'clock was not so large as on the opening day, a week ago, for good and sufficient reasons. Still, it was a splendid congregation to which Mr Moody addressed himself in earnest exhortation that all should bring a willing offering of their very best to the service of God during the remainder of the mission. There is plenty of work for all to do, and God only expects from his servants what they have. The speaker showed, from many Scriptural instances, how God condescends to make use of the weakest and most unlikely instruments when they are freely given into his hands. The discourse was interspersed with appeals to all the Christians to seek to be the agent in leading some soul to the Saviour during the coming days of the special effort. The untold issues for good that might come out of the conversion of a single boy or girl were dwelt upon, and many must have been the holy resolves that were made, in the strength of God, to a re-dedication of self and substance to the blessed service of Jesus Christ.


turned out in strong force at eleven o'clock, and there must have been some 6,000 or 7,000 persons present. The seats on the platform, usually filled with ministers were crowded with a motley throng of men, women and children. The choir was very meagre, as most of the members were at their own churches, but there was some fine solo singing from Mr Burke and Mr Vance, and both sang with exquisite effect the grand Gospel message, "Though our sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow." The audience joined in the hymns a little too freely for them to be exclusively outside the pale of church influence, but undoubtedly a great many of them were of this class. Mr Moody took up the subject of Christ seeking the lost. Into this sermon he introduces the story of the healing of blind Bartimaeus and the finding of Zaccheus. To the amplification of these narratives he brings in the aid of imagination, and the result is a very graphic picture of the seeking and saving mercy of the Saviour. Some of the illustrative incidents towards the close of the address are extremely pathetic, and the deep impression made on this mixed audience was easy to be seen. The sermon being ended there came the drawing of the net; and once again the power of the Gospel message, simply, tenderly, and faithfully told, to reach the most careless human heart was exemplified. When Mr Moody asked all who desired prayer to rise, the response was truly marvellous. In all parts of the house the people stood up without any prompting. Mr Moody referred, with much feeling, to the number of grey-haired men who stood. Some two dozen or more of these venerable brethren rose to their feet. But there were all ages and both sexes among the anxious, and when they came to be gathered into one corner of the building they must have counted over 600 men, women, and children. Mr Moody addressed them briefly, and again secured from the most of them individual and ready expressions of resolve to part with sin and receive the seeking Saviour. Backsliders were mingled with those who for the first time came to the cross for pardon. It was an intensely pathetic and heart-stirring sight; and if Mr Moody had held no other meeting in Belfast than that one he would have been well repaid for visiting the city. The names of all the enquirers were taken by the workers and doubtless, they will be looked after and brought within the shelter of some church fold. Certainly, Mr Moody was more than justified in his anxiety to hold this service specially for the non-churchgoers.


or thereabout crammed the hall at three o'clock in the afternoon. The throngs had been so dense on the previous Sunday afternoon and evening that it was arranged to have a meeting for women only this afternoon, and one for men in the evening, so as to relieve the pressure. The weather had greatly improved and the sun shone brightly on the scene. The male choirs sang sweetly and Mr Burke discoursed in thrilling strains of the boundless love of God to sinners lost. It was on this grandest of themes that Mr Moody dwelt in his address and there was a hushed attention as he told out the old, old story.  His words appeared to find a ready entrance into the hearts of some his hearers as he spoke of this drink habit, and the way it which it cursed family life. There is great excitement just now, he said over the cholera, though only a few comparatively have succumbed to that scourge. But we think far too little of the havoc that strong drink is working every day in our own land. Belfast certainly has much need to bestir itself in this matter. The whisky shops are very plentiful, and their effect can be seen in the streets any day in the cursing, fighting and reeling men that one meets, alas on every hand. Only this very Sabbath morning, while on the way to the early meeting, i was pained to see a group of women, with shawls over their heads evidently under the potent influence of alcohol, and showing a strong disposition to be quarrelsome. As one remarked to me the other day on seeing two men who had been exchanging blows separated by the police, the great whisky distillers have much to answer for.

But to return to the women's meeting. The area of the hall was filled with some 6000 sisters for the second meeting. After prayer, Rev H. Montgomery gave a delightfully simple and clear address on the way to enter on the Christian life. Then Mr Moody himself spoke for a little and proceeded to call for the customary expression of a desire to be prayed for, or of resolve to yield heart and life to God. All count was soon lost of the numbers who gave response from all parts of the house, as well as from the platform. The third or conversational meeting was again a large one and for some time the workers were kept busy talking, either to individuals or to groups, and giving friendly guidance on this momentous crisis in their spiritual life.

The experiences of the afternoon were virtual repeated in the evening, only that the audience was made up of men instead of women. The sharp arrows of truth flew right and left as Mr Moody came to close grip with the question of besetting sin - how it steels the heart against conviction, and leads a man to procrastinate till the day of mercy passes and the Spirit ceases to strive because of being persistently grieved and resisted. Again the harvest was plenteous, and a busy time of reaping was found in the after-meeting.


were held in the Exhibition building afternoon and evening, and were conducted by Mr Merton Smith, who had come over from Scotland on the preceding day. He had a congregation of some 800 men in the afternoon, and nearly as many women in the evening. At the latter meeting especially there was a good contingent of seeking souls and quite a number of clear decisions. Mr Burke sang at both the overflows, which gave him a total of six meetings during the day. That meant an expenditure of energy which only those who have tried it can understand. Such a day of Gospel sowing and reaping Belfast has not seen before in its history, so far as living memory goes, and one of the Monday morning papers was right in describing it as a "red-letter day" in the spiritual annals of the city.

An accident happened to Mr Moody on the Saturday, which happily was not attended with very serious consequences, though the escape was a somewhat narrow one, humanly speaking. He was proceeding on an open-side-backed car to one of the railway stations. The driver, being in undue haste (a failing to which these Irish Jarvies are frequently prone), the car came into collision with a cart. The splashboard on which Mr Moody's feet rested was greatly damaged, and an ugly rent was made in the upper of his left boot. The foot itself was grazed a little, but it is expected that a day or two's careful treatment will stave off any permanent injury. The jaunting car is a delightful institution so long as you can count on the discretion of the driver and the sure-footedness of the horse; when either of these fails the risks are considerable. The Irish Jehu seems only second in dash and sangfroid to the Parisian cabman.


were commenced in Donegal-square Methodist Church (Rev Wesley Guards) on Friday, and will go on to the close of the mission. They are in the capable and judicious hands of Mr W. Robertson.


on Friday evening must be made. The hall was crowded to its utmost capacity, and thousands were turned away from the doors. So great was the desire to hear Mr Moody's concluding address that a considerable number of persons who had been present at the afternoon meeting did not leave the building, but remained until the final hymn had been sung and the benediction pronounced on the whole fortnight's work. At seven o'clock every seat was occupied, and arrangements were made for closing the doors and for the holding of an overflow meeting in the Fitzroy Avenue Presbyterian Church.

Rev John McNeill, who had arrived from Scotland in the afternoon and was present at the afternoon meeting, was asked to say a word or two before going off to speak at the overflow. He responded in his own blunt and characteristic way; at once putting himself en rapport with the Irish friends on the score of his father being an Antrim man. Mr Moody having thanked everybody, as is his wont at the close of a lengthened mission, gave his address, putting the way of salvation before his vast audience as simply and earnestly as if it had been his only opportunity. He offered prayer at the close and the first part of the meeting ended. The reporters thought the proceedings had concluded and left, but it was still early. During the singing of a hymn part of the audience left, but it caused some surprise to find hundreds of others surging in and eagerly filling their places. In a few minutes the meeting assumed very much of its usual appearance.

Mr Moody quickly grasped the situation, kept the choir singing, had a few male voices to the front to render some Gospel songs, and started off again full swing into a second meeting. By this time Mr McNeill had returned from the overflow and was induced by Mr Moody to relate the story of his conversion. It so happened that in the adjoining Botanical Gardens it had been arranged to have a great firework display on the evening. The authorities had good-naturedly postponed operations till 9 o'clock. It was ten minutes past the hour as the first sounds of it were heard. Everyone wondered what could be done, and waited as the rockets flew whizzing through the air and exploded over the glass roof of the building. Mr Moody said that probably everyone knew the cause of the noise outside, and he felt deeply grateful to the directors of the gardens for having postponed the firework display till ten minutes after the time agreed upon. There was a sympathy silently manifested by the audience which probably he felt as he went on - "Now any of you who want to see the fireworks may feel quite free to go." But not a soul moved, though there were thousands of young people present and not a few youths.

Mr McNeill then rose, and the way in which he took hold of the audience was wonderful. It was, of course impossible for the speaker to ignore the deafening sound of exploding rockets and shells, but with admirable tact he succeeded in holding the attention of the audience. After quoting, in stentorian tones, Acts xvi. 31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved," he exclaimed: "Does not such a proclamation as that deserve a salvo? " The rockets burst in the sky over our heads. The graphic account of his conversion was listened to with deep interest. Whilst he was speaking the interruptions grew less and less, and finally subsided altogether. Such was the interest manifested by the vast audience that the meeting not only survived what would in most cases have effectually broken up any gathering, but grew in intensity as it proceeded.

Drawing his address to a close, Mr McNeill pressed for immediate decision. Before leaving the rostrum, Mr Moody asked, "What verse would you give them? " Mr McNeill chose Isai. xii. 2. " Behold God is my salvation" - not even my faith, but God -"I will trust, and be not afraid." This brought Mr Moody to the front again, remarking that that was the verse he had intended to give them. There had already been one call earlier in the evening for manifestation of anxiety and soul concern. Mr Moody again asked who would say, "Behold God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid "?  A great hush seemed to fall upon the vast audience, and then, from all parts of the building, the "I wills" were heard.

All reserve was broken down, and speaker and audience were on such terms that it was not difficult to turn the meeting again into another channel. Asking all to be seated everywhere in the building Mr Moody said this was his third visit to the city of Belfast. Mr Sankey and he were there in 1874 and again in 1882, and he asked all those who had been blessed in the meetings, whether eighteen years ago or ten years ago or during the present mission, to rise and stand in their places. The sight was one never to be forgotten! Crowds rose in the body of the hall and all parts of the galleries, old men, some soldiers, and not a few police; then on the platform the members of the choir and Christian workers, the fruits of the two previous missions. Perhaps it was more touching still to see well-known ministers rising one after another on the front row of the platform to confess that they had been led to Jesus by this man of God. One minister who evidently felt he ought not to get out of the confession by change of locality rose and joined his brethren in the ministry, muttering the two significant words, " Dublin, '74."

Whilst this company were standing in their places, the rest seated, Mr Moody called upon all those who tonight for the first time would take Christ as their Saviour to rise and join them. During the five or six minutes which followed it seemed as though many hundreds must have risen in their places. As they stood and remained standing whilst Mr Moody commended them in prayer, one could not but praise the God of all grace for this army of sons and daughters redeemed and made whole by the precious blood.


This stalwart evangelist had a busy day in Belfast on Sabbath; he preached three times to great audiences. Two of the discourses, morning and evening, were delivered on behalf of the local Y.M.C.A. Dr Talmage had arranged to visit Belfast in the interests of the Association, but his health having broken down, through stress of work, Mr McNeill kindly agreed to stand in the breach. His morning sermon in St. Enoch's Church and the evening sermon in the Great Convention Hall were full of evangelistic fire, and specially suited to young men. A considerable sum was collected for the funds of the Y.M.C.A., which is doing an excellent work in the city. Mr D. A. Black, the secretary, and many of the members have been most active and devoted in their help during Mr Moody's mission.

On Sunday afternoon, Mr McNeill addressed a crowded assemblage in the Convention Hall, and the day's services altogether made a deep impression. The evangelist speaks at the hall every evening this week and addresses businessmen in St. George's Hall early in the afternoons. Mr Burke is assisting Mr McNeill, and Mr Vance accompanied Mr Moody to Dundalk, where the latter held meetings on Sunday and Monday.

From, "The Christian," September 15th, 1892.


Before these lines are read Mr Moody will have left Ulster and will be busy proclaiming the Gospel in the less receptive atmosphere of the South. But the influence of his work, and the sacred memories of his visit, will abide in these northern parts for generations to come. The leader writer in a Belfast daily, truly observed one morning last week that the mission now closed will have to be taken into account by any future candid historian of the religious life of the North of Ireland.

The second week of the meetings in Belfast was like unto the first, with some notable additions. Chief among the fresh features were the


given on four mornings of the week in Dr. Williamson's church in Fisherwick-place. These will ever be memorable to all who were privileged to attend. Mr Moody never appears more in earnest than when he exhorts his fellow Christians and leads them on to higher planes of heart consecration, or to more earnest fidelity in service.

On the two first mornings he spoke with remarkable reality and power on the enduement of the Holy Ghost for service. Almost his opening utterances on this theme was a practical word of commendation for the Keswick Convention and its teaching. Much, he observed, had been said by way of criticism on the theological unsoundness of that teaching. A leading Church of England minister told him he had been to Keswick and the first thing he did on his return home was to go to every Dissenting minister in the place and have fellowship and prayer with them. Up to that time he had thought there could be nothing good outside the Church of England and had always looked down on his Non-conforming brethren. Since he had thus fraternised with them he had been a much better man and his nearest friend in the town was an Independent pastor; the two of them were like David and Jonathan, and both were having conversions in their churches all the while. Anything (added Mr. Moody) that will bring forth fruit of that kind must be good. He had been to Keswick himself, and he advised them all to go there and get broadened out. He pitied the minister of the Gospel who had not got out of his grave clothes, and who could not see anything good beyond his own denomination. Nothing will set men right in this matter but the power of the Spirit of God. When a man gets filled with the Holy Ghost denominationalism is to him as the dust in the balance; he will not be asking whether this and that brother is a Churchman, or a Presbyterian, or a Methodist.

Then Mr Moody proceeded to expound his views on the work of the Spirit; commenting in his own terse and forceful way on the personality of the Holy Ghost, on His power to fill the heart with love, to impart liberty and freedom from the shackles of custom in service, to bear witness of Christ, to lead into all truth. These points were amplified and illustrated in language that glowed with holy fire, and seemed to communicate a like warmth of spirit to the large listening company of ministers and workers. If, he said in closing, he could get ten men in Belfast to get what that man got at Keswick, he would be


The same subject was continued next morning to a still larger audience. In the course of his address Mr Moody gave utterance to some strong and scathing words on the unwholesome influence of tobacco-smoking ministers. How could a man sit down beside an anxious inquirer and lead him into the beginnings of a holy life while his own breath was redolent of the weed. The filling of the Holy Ghost as a definite experience was urged as a prerequisite to power in service; he drew on his experience and that of others to show how this experience had been productive of marked results in after service. The meeting was much moved under the Evangelist's heart-searching appeals. "I believe," he exclaimed, "that in every pulpit in Belfast you could have a new preacher next Sunday if all the ministers were to get this enduement of power."

At the close of the address there seemed to be a common feeling and desire throughout the hushed assembly that they should there and then tarry for a season of definite prayer for the filling of the Holy Ghost. The proposal was made and carried by a nearly unanimous rising vote. Then came a prolonged stream of intensely earnest petition on this behalf, a woman's tender pleading voice mingling with the others in confession of unfaithfuness, and in devout beseeching for the bestowment of the needed blessing message The church seemed to be at once a Bochim and an Elim-a place of weeping for the Spirit-grieving of the past, and of glad refreshment in the appropriation by faith of the promise of the Father.

Such a meeting was probably never held before in Belfast, and it soon got noised abroad, so that next morning there was a still further swelling of the numbers. Mr Moody, however, is extremely jealous of anything like "vain repetitions" even in matters of holy experience, and he took up the different subject of the Inquiry Meeting as an essential part of regular ministerial evangelistic effort. He argued for far more elasticity in Gospel methods, so as to interest and reach those outside the pale of ordinary church services. It was a bold and wise plea for the adaptation of method to varied circumstance and need. It made a real impression, no doubt, on the ministerial and other friends present, but I have considerable doubt as to the result. The Episcopalian services seem, under existing arrangements, to be as unbending as the laws of the Medes and the Persians; and the same might almost be said of our Presbyterian churches; probably of the Methodist and others. The custom of generations in our older systems has hardened the order of worship and service into a cast-iron mould, the breaking-up of which would stir up the opposition of Pharisees and formalists, to whom "use and wont " would appear to carry a higher sanction than the leadings of the living and ever-present Spirit of God.


On Friday morning Mr Moody's topic was the private and individual study of the Scriptures. As he remarked, it was a somewhat discursive talk on various methods of studying the Scriptures, so as not only to know the letter and structure of the sacred writings but to have at hand material for immediate use in work for others when occasions arise. He advocated, as of old, " topical" rather than purely consecutive study. He created much interest by telling how a new and lively feeling of regard for the Bible had come into home and school circles at Northfield by the plan of getting each scholar or member of the family to read the same chapter, and afterwards to give out briefly in concert the points that had most impressed them. On this plan the Gospels and other books had been gone through in daily chapters at Northfield and Mount Hermon. To show how it had laid hold of his own mind and memory, Mr Moody repeated, without reference to note, the outlines of the Gospel by John, etc.

The idea was evidently quite a novel one to many of those present, and probably it will be taken up in not a few Irish households or the Bible classes. A fervid Methodist pastor who prayed at the close thanked God for the "bracing morning walk " that the assembly had had through the fields of Scripture, and it was without doubt at once a surprise and a delight to many in the audience.

From, "The Christian," September 15th, 1892.


The work inaugurated in this thriving northern city by Mr Moody is being vigorously continued by the local brethren. United meetings are being held on both sides of the river with manifest tokens of God's favour. The large St. Enoch's Church has been filled night after night to hear speakers from the city, without any unusual attractions. The inquiry meetings were largely attended. Other meetings are being held this week. We understand that the names of over 3,000 inquirers were taken during the four weeks of Messrs. Moody and MeNeill's missions.


In 'The Witness' of last week a number of impressive testimonies to the depth and reality of the work at the Convention Hall are given by various local and other friends who attended the meetings.

We extract portions of two or three:-

Rev. HENRY MONTGOMERY (Albert Street) writes - It is generally agreed that our city and district have been greatly stirred by the mission of God's honoured servants. Large numbers of Christian workers have received fresh strength and stimulus for future service, as well as additional experience in the solemn business of speaking with their fellow creatures on the momentous questions that come up in such work. Younger Christians have been encouraged to begin this form of service, and have been happily engaged in seeking to win others to the Saviour.

Rev. A. J. WILSON (Malone) writes:—It was my privilege to attend many of the meetings and to come in contact with many of God's people who have been revived, and inquirers who had been awakened, and I have not the slightest doubt that there has been a real and glorious work of the Spirit of God - a work the magnitude of which, if it be properly followed up, only the great day will declare. Wherever one goes there is found an unaccustomed readiness for conversation on the things of eternity, and certainly the different evangelical denominations in the city have been brought into closer fellowship. This in itself is something to be thankful for. I believe our ministers during the coming winter should throw themselves heartily into evangelistic work, that young converts should be gathered into classes for instruction, and that, when they have gifts and graces, work should be assigned to them. Above all, we must continue "with one accord in prayer and supplication."

Rev.CHARLES DAVEY (St. Enoch's),

writes:—I am very hopeful about the results of the mission. Considering the immense number who heard the truth, the clearness and power of the preaching, and the evident tokens of the Spirit's presence, there can be no doubt that a work has been done for which there is abundant cause for thankfulness to God.

From, "The Christian," October 6th, 1892.


Additional Information

The Hall was in the Plains area of Belfast which has been rubbed out now. It was largely the area where there are a lot of University buildings today. The Hall was built in 1892 for a meeting of the Ulster Unionists. It was temporary.

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