A BRIEF mission of four days' duration was begun by the evangelist in Manchester on Sunday. For a week previous daily prayer meetings had been held, so that when Mr Moody arrived, the way was well prepared.
On Sunday morning Mr Moody addressed the workers at eight o'clock, in the Y.M.C.A. Hall, from Mark ii.; and be urged that the faith of the four men who brought the sick of the palsy to Christ should be exemplified in Manchester. The faith that will overcome all obstacles and hindrances is the faith which the Church and the world of today need.
Two services were held in the St. James's Hall in the afternoon and evening when the vast hall was filled to its utmost capacity. In the afternoon Mr Moody addressed both Christians and non-Christians. Those who are not Christians need to come to Christ for rest. Those who are, to take his yoke and therein find rest.
In the evening Mr Moody preached and gave a very searching message. At the close he asked that those who desired to be prayed for should rise in their seats, when a very large number of young men did so. He was much struck to see so many and said it surely meant that God was going to do a great work in Manchester. A number went into the inquiry room, where Mr Moody was aided by a staff of experienced workers; while Mr Leonard K. Shaw continued the meeting in the large hall.
The singing was in the hands of the Sacred Song Association, with a choir of 250 strong on the platform. During the remaining three days of the mission, there were three services each day.
From, "The Christian," October 6th, 1892.
The building was replaced by the one marked in 1912.