The expected visit of the evangelist to Oxford has awakened a deep, if quiet, interest in both "town and gown." A committee of arrangements has been formed, headed by Canon Christopher, and consisting of several other evangelical clergymen, most of the Nonconformist ministers, and other leading men of the churches. The Corn Exchange, capable of holding some two thousand people, has been secured, and also the Town Hall for the expected overflow. The mission commences tomorrow (Friday) and continues to the following Monday, inclusive.
Mr Moody's willingness to give the last few days of his stay in England to a visit to Oxford, while many other places have been declined, arises, it is known, from the hope of meeting a large number of the undergraduates as he did at his former visit, ten years ago. Special arrangements are therefore being devised in their interest. In almost every college, the matter has been taken up and it is being worked by the "grads" themselves. It is said that quite a thousand were down to hear Mr Moody at his former visit and it is believed that as many will avail themselves of the special men's meeting arranged for the Sunday night. Will not Christian parents who have sons at Oxford use their influence to induce them to attend, and pray earnestly that in doing so they may gain a blessing for their whole life? Daily prayer meetings have already commenced, and special preparatory meetings are, or will be held in most of the congregations in the city.
Canon Christopher, by whose influence and effort Mr Moody's visit has been largely brought about, has written a letter to the Oxford Chronicle calling upon the Christians in the locality to take up the movement. Will not Christians throughout the whole country join their Oxford brethren in prayer; remembering that to gain a blessing for the University City will be in a large degree to gain a blessing for the land, and even beyond it.
From, "The Christian," November 17th, 1892.
THE evangelist had a splendid reception at Oxford. Nothing else could have stirred Oxford, both "town and gown," so deeply. The spirit of earnest prayerful desire, and of large expectancy, grew with the preparatory prayer meetings day by day, as the numbers in attendance also did. All believed that a great blessing was in store, and that Mr Moody's Master would come with him, and manifest Himself through the instrumentality of his servant. As on the Day of Pentecost, the outside world caught the sound of what was passing in the upper room, and multitudes gathered when the hour approached.
Efforts had been made to gather large audiences from the very beginning, but, as it turned out, such efforts were scarcely required. Without invitation tickets, the people crowded the Corn Exchange on the evening of Friday. An equally crowded meeting was held simultaneously in the Town Hall adjacent in the evening, Lord Kinnaird presiding, and several local men taking part. The scene in the Corn Exchange was most impressive. Every spot was occupied. A large space was reserved for the "undergrads" immediately in face of Mr Moody, and this was fully occupied with the "men," whose attention and interest were preserved throughout. Mr Moody was at his best. His afternoon address on "The grace of God that bringeth salvation," and which comes of nothing else, was very emphatic and convincing. The evening address on the "Necessity of the New Birth" abounded with pointed statements, racy illustrations, and sallies of dry humour. The straightforward manly appeals evidently took, with the young men in particular.
At the close Mr Moody requested those who wished to hear more of the matter, and to have it further brought home to them, to go with him into the Town Hall, which had in the meanwhile been cleared of the overflow meeting. The Hall was speedily filled, and Mr Moody continued his appeals, inviting those who were resolved to give themselves up to Christ, or who wished to be prayed for that they might be enabled to do so, to rise. Many did so, including a number of the "grads" with their college gowns. Some of these afterwards received the personal attention of the workers, ministers and others, who were scattered among the audience.
On Saturday afternoon the Wesley Memorial Church, capable of seating some twelve hundred people, was well filled. The service was with a special view to Christian workers, and Mr Moody addressed them on their need of the Holy Spirit as a power for service. There was a large attendance of clergymen and Nonconformist ministers, and prayers were offered by both; the prayers, as well as the hymns, all bearing on the subject in hand. It was known that Mr Moody laid great stress on this service as the pivot on which the real success of the mission would turn.
Saturday night, and that a pouring wet one, did not diminish the attendance. The "grads" were there again in force, and several distinguished personages were on the platform. The service took the usual form, and Mr Moody thrust home upon the conscience the solemn fact that "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap"; maintaining that there are sins, which, though they may be for-given, a man must suffer the consequences
he young men paid marked attention, and at the close streamed into the after meeting; some of them, when the question was put, "Who will break off his sins? " rising with others replied, "I will." Looking upon the upturned faces of these youths, one could not but think that here was the answer to many of their parents' prayers and loving entreaties.
On Sunday afternoon both the Corn Exchange and the Town Hall were packed. Mr Moody spoke at the first with great effect on Christ's call to the weary and heavy laden. The evening meeting for men was a striking sight. Some two thousand were jammed into the Corn Exchange. About four hundred graduates were present. Mr Moody's subject was "Excuses." At the after meeting, 130 gave in their names as seekers, fifty-two of whom were undergraduates. The general meeting in the Town Hall was equally crowded. Lord Kinnaird led the meeting, and several of the town's ministers took part. Up to Sunday, evening about 300 had given in their names as seekers.
It was announced at the Sunday meetings that Dr Pentecost might be expected to assist at the overflow on Monday, and to take up Mr Moody's work for a day or two after Monday. It may be observed here that an excellent choir, under the direction of Mr Grubb, has led the singing.
As usual, the last day was the great day of the feast. The interest that had culminated day by day became enthusiastic. The singing was yet more hearty, and, it may be added, more heartfelt, the prayer yet more fervent, and the attention yet more engrossed.
The theme at the afternoon meeting was the boundless one of the love of God to man, and Mr Moody's simplest statements were forceful, and his illustrative anecdotes most touching, while his appeals went home to many a heart. The closely-packed assembly in the afternoon was, if possible, still more closely packed in the evening. Some little disturbance arose from the pressure of the crowd, but under Mr Moody's skilful management it was suppressed. Rev. F. J. Chavasse, Principal of Wycliffe Hall, offered a very fervent prayer.
Mr Moody addressed the audience, with special reference to young men, and to believing with the heart the Lord Jesus and confessing Him with the mouth and never being ashamed of Him. It was a very urgent and direct appeal to confess Christ. At the close he called on the body of young men to rise if they were willing to confess Christ; in response to which all except three, who retained their seats, responded to the call... The whole service was grand and powerfully impressive.
Among those who have attended the meetings at one or more of the services, have been Canon Fremantle, and, of course, Canon Christopher with his horn, eager to catch every word, and several of the city rectors and others of the clergy from the country, beside numbers of the leading Nonconformists - High Churchmen were, of course, conspicuous by their absence, even curiosity bringing but few. The precious fruits of Christian union have appeared throughout, led by the large-hearted Canon Christopher, by whose persistency the visit of Mr Moody to Oxford was brought about. The Evangelical clergy have worked in brotherly accord with the ministers of all denominations of like spirit. The result has been a blessed contagion which has spread through all the assemblies. The people have been of one mind and of one heart. It is to be hoped that this oneness will be both maintained and manifested in the city, where there is so much reason why Christians of like feeling should be one in expression.
Arrangements are made for continuing special services during the week in several of the churches and chapels simultaneously. The united Committee will also continue to hold periodical meetings for special prayer, and for the sake of the opportunities that may arise for further evangelistic effort.
The marked difference between the rowdy reception which Mr Moody met with ten years ago from the undergraduates of Oxford, and the respectful hearing which was accorded to him during the four days of his recent visit, is full of cheer. It not only indicates that Mr Moody is better known and, therefore, more highly esteemed, but that evangelistic work is better understood and is regarded with the respect to which it is entitled.
Many friends had come, some from long distances, to take part in the after-meetings. No one who was present will ever forget last Sunday afternoon and evening. On each occasion an overflow meeting, which itself overflowed, and conducted in the Town Hall by Lord Kinnaird and Major Liebenrood, and many interesting cases of credible conversion were met with.
Mr Moody's meeting on Sunday night in the Corn Exchange was for men only, seats being reserved for University men. The subject chosen was the "Excuses" made by those invited to the Marriage Supper, in Luke xiv. The address was full of points quaintly conceived and skilfully applied. Mr Moody said that nothing impressed and inspired him so much as a meeting of men, and towards the close of his discourse he was himself so deeply moved that for a minute or two, which seemed much longer, he paused unable to proceed. Then with broken voice he urged upon his awed and solemnised audience the acceptance of the invitation with which he had been charged.
After some very racy comments on the excuses made by the three men in the parable, he spoke of the eight excuses which had often been made to himself.
(1) There are so many things in the Bible I don't understand. (2) I don't believe in election. (3) I am afraid I couldn't hold out. (4) There are so many hypocrites amongst Christians. (5) I have no time now; I will see you again. (6) I don't like this kind of preaching; it is too sensational. (7) I don't feel like it. I should like to go to the feast, but I haven't got the right kind of feeling. (8) I can't believe I have intellectual difficulties. All these were charged upon his hearers, but two were added to which he knew they would not openly confess: (9) Lack of moral courage; and (10) some one besetting sin. All were replied to, sometimes with sparkling wit, sometimes with indignant vehemence, sometimes with subdued emotion and tender appeal...
Four texts were successively put before them. John i. 12; v. 24; Isa. xii. 2; Rev. xxii. 17; and one after another the questions were asked, Will you receive Him? Believe Him? Trust Him? Take Him? And to each responses came quickly and decisively, "I will." "I will." "I will." "I will." I have never attended a meeting where the power of God's Spirit was more manifest.
After the evening meeting on Monday, Dr Pentecost followed up his address with a very telling appeal. Practically the entire audience remained to this second service, and although the evangelist had already spoken twice at overflows, his vigour was unabated and his words struck forcibly home. Addressing himself to University men, he pressed the questions, What think ye of Christ? and, What evil hath he done? with such sound reasoning and argumentative weight that the impression made was very deep.
But it was after the gathering had been formally dismissed that the most remarkable scene presented itself. An undergraduate rose spontaneously to testify to the blessing he had received during the mission. His example was forthwith followed by others. Then Dr Pentecost asked all who thus desired to confess Christ to stand upon their chairs. Such a sight as ensued Oxford has never seen before.
From, "The Christian," November 24th, 1892.
The Corn Market was next to the town Hall, but they were both demolished in 1893 to make way for a new Town Hall.