The Belfast Committee certainly cannot be charged with having narrow ideas of Mr Moody's capacity for continuous work and for the resistance of physical fatigue. They arranged that during the four days, from Tuesday to Friday inclusive, he should address three meetings a day, with a considerable modicum of travel thrown in, so as to embrace two places each day. Early on the Tuesday forenoon a start had to be made from Derry for Strabane, a little country town of 4,000 inhabitants, about fifteen miles up the River Foyle, and on the border of County Donegal. A single meeting could only be given to this district, which the evangelist had never visited before. Arrangements had been entered into with the railway company, and a cheap excursion train was run from some of the outlying places. The capacity of the Presbyterian Church (of which Rey. E. Clarke is the youthful and active pastor) was severely taxed by the large throng that filled it at noon on Tuesday, and to whom Mr Moody descanted on the Divine compassion with a pathos and a power that I have seldom seen him exceed. The whole gathering seemed to be melted down by his heartfelt presentation of this most attractive of all the phases of saving truth. At the close of the discourse a number adjourned to the lecture hall for some further dealing and exhortation. The rest of the congregation remained bodily in the church for a prayer meeting, over which Dr Williamson presided. It may be appropriate to mention here that in each of the places visited during the week Mr Moody made a special request that Christians should be instant and fervent in prayer to God for a blessing on Ireland, and on the special mission he is hoping to conduct in different parts of the island - north, east, and south. To the workers assembled in Dublin he declared his firm belief that no political movement from any party would avail to bring true peace and happiness to distracted Ireland. The Gospel of God's grace is the only remedy for its woe and its discontent. So he said he coveted beyond all else the prayers of his fellow Christians, that God would smile on the united effort now being made to bring the people to hear and obey the Gospel.
As Mr Moody and his companions were at the Strabane railway station waiting for the return train to Derry, a goodly crowd had gathered of those who were going back to their homes. At Mr Moody's request, Mr Burke sang some verses of his favourite hymn, "Then shall my heart keep singing," and the chorus was speedily taken up by, the bystanders. So ended a flying but interesting visit to Strabane. It is in contemplation to "follow up" here also if satisfactory arrangements can be made.
From, "The Christian," September 1st, 1892
The church was burned down in 1938 - from photos I am guessing that it stood where the car park is now
Although the report is not very exciting, I believe that salvations would have occured based on the success of all the other Moody meetings in Northern Ireland. Phrases like, "The whole gathering seemed to be melted down," and "pathos and power that I have seldom seen him exceed." confirms tthis.