Portrush - D L Moody (1892)

The party had to be early astir on Wednesday morning, for they had to catch the 7 a.m. train from Londonderry for Coleraine. Here they were joined by Rev Henry Montgomery, one of the three Belfast secretaries. On him has fallen the burden of much of the correspondence and negotiation, and he has been kept at high pressure for some time past. But Irish pluck and a heart all aglow with zeal carried him through. The first engagement for Wednesday was a meeting at the popular watering-place, Portrush, the point of approach by rail to that great geological "wonder of the age," the Giant's Causeway. Mr Montgomery's brother is pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Portrush, and the meeting would have been held in his church had the weather been unfavourable. The alternative place of assembly was on a hillside close to the sea, overlooking the beautiful bay, and almost on the lip of the ocean. Looking direct north from this part of the coast, as a Belfast friend facetiously put it, there is nothing but water between the spectator and the North Pole.

It was the day of the Portrush Regatta, and excursion trains brought large additions to the native population, already swollen with seaside sojourners. A platform had been erected at the foot of the slope, and when Mr Moody's audience had all been gathered there must have been quite three thousand souls within hearing of his voice. He held their close attention while he set forth the doctrines of repentance and regeneration, and cut from under the feet of the listeners some of the false foundations on which men are so prone to rest. Speaking of the strange replies that are sometimes given by those who are asked about their spiritual standing, he told of one lady away out in British Columbia who said that of course she was a Christian, as she had a brother who was an archdeacon!

A more recent case nearer home was equally ludicrous; an English woman was confident of her safety because her family entertained all the local preachers that came their way!. By such sarcastic banter, by effective illustration, by vehement exhortation and appeal the preacher shut up the motley throng before him to the necessity of the new birth. In the crowd were many wearers of the white tie, who, if they cared to do so, might have carried away some very helpful hints to how to reach the ear and move the heart of the masses with the Gospel message. Before the congregation broke up, an invitation was given to proceed to the church where a second service would be held for seekers. It was interesting and amusing to hear the remarks of the crowd as they moved away from the height towards the town. One lively, loud-spoken Irishman, who had evidently been in America, and was conversant in some degree with Mr Moody's early career, was imparting information to his companions. "He's a rale practical man; indade, sor, he's a grate jaynius, and he strikes verra heavy blows sometimes." The Presbyterian church was almost filled with interested hearers, who laid aside for the time their holiday-making and their pleasure-seeking to give attention under Mr Moody's tender promptings to the higher concerns of the soul. From all parts of the building came the welcome responses "I will trust and not be afraid." Surely one may cherish the faith that not a few who went to Portrush in search of sea breezes and summer pastime will leave it with the perennial joy of summer in the heart, and with all sail set for the celestial haven.

From, "The Christian," September 1st, 1892.

Additional Information

I am guessing that this is where the meeting was held.

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