In the midst of his Cardiff work, Mr Moody paid a visit to Newport (Mon.) on the morning of Wednesday, June 22, and gave in the Temperance Hall an earnest and forceful address to Christians on their responsibilities in connection with the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom, and to parents on the godly upbringing of their families. An audience of over thirteen hundred listened to the exhortation, and we cannot doubt that lasting good will result.
Coming again for Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and 26, he held in all five meetings - one on Saturday evening in the Baptist Chapel, Maindee, for Christians, and four on Sunday in the Temperance Hall. Crowded audiences came together on each occasion, and two large overflow meetings had to be held. A feeling of deep solemnity pervaded all the services. The preacher spoke "in demonstration of the Spirit and with power" and bowed heads and tearful eyes, all over the hall, attested that hearts were being reached and work begun fraught with eternal issues. With an unsparing hand, he laid bare sin in all its hideousness and hatefulness in God's sight and showed that there was no darkness or shadow of death where the workers of iniquity could hide themselves. While thus shutting up men under sin, condemnation, and wrath, he opened wide the door of mercy, and with all tenderness urged them to flee to the open arms of the Crucified One.
The closing service to men only was on the "Excuses to the Great Supper" of Luke xiv. 16. The Great Day alone can reveal the work done. When the address ended M. Moody, amid a great hush, called upon the undecided to stand up in their places and declare, by a solemn "I will," their acceptance of the Lord's invitation. It is estimated that over fifty persons responded to the appeal. Mr Moody then closed the services with praise and prayer.
The names and addresses of all who professed to experience blessing throughout the meetings have been taken, and a proper visitation has been set on foot. We anticipate a blessed forward movement in soul-winning effort as a result of the meetings.
From, "The Christian," July 7th, 1892.
The Tempernce Hall was No 27, which I think was close to where marked. I think the street numbers have been changed.