On the two previous visits of the American brethren to this country London received a considerable share of their time and labours. The comparative brevity of this third visit has compelled them to relinquish the idea of any extended work in the great metropolis. This will cause disappointment to many, but in the circumstances it is unavoidable. Two districts in London which possess permanent memorials of the last London campaign of the evangelists are Stratford in the East, and Wandsworth in the South-West, where mission halls were erected as the outcome of the special work engaged in eight years ago. Failing the ability to make any lengthened stay in the metropolis, Mr Moody and Mr Sankey agreed to have a few meetings at each of these two places.
Eight years, saving a month, have passed away since Mr Moody laid the foundation stone of Down Lodge Hall, which, through the generosity of Dr Watney, was then being erected on the spot where the great iron hall was planted, in which the evangelists held their Wandsworth meetings. Since then Down Lodge Hall has been the centre of constant and varied effort among the people of the district, and there have been many sheaves reaped for the heavenly garner in connection with its operations. Most of the local friends who were active in the great mission there are still busy in carrying on the work.
Two days' meetings were arranged for the evangelists at Down Lodge Hall in the end of last week. Mr Moody arrived in London early in the week, but private matters engrossed his time for a day or two. Mr Sankey, being engaged at the Chester meetings of the C.E.S., could not be at Wandsworth till Thursday. On Wednesday evening Mr Moody had a meeting in the hall, when admission was restricted to those connected with the regular mission work there. A large concourse gathered to greet the evangelist, who was heartily welcomed by Rev Marcus Rainsford, D. Watney, Mr W. M. Seaman, Mr C. F. Davis, and other friends of bygone days.
Mr Moody's address took the form of a Bible reading on the book of Acts, and his words were mainly directed to workers, who were understood to compose the bulk of the audience. The ten great sermons scattered throughout the book were taken up in turn and commented on. The chief point urged by Mr Moody was that Christian work and testimony, in order to be successful, must be carried out in the power of the Holy Ghost. He drew attention to the repeated instances recorded in the Acts when the Spirit's power was definitely experienced by the Apostles and those among whom they ministered. The need of Divine anointing for service is as great now as it was in those early days. As Pentecost, Mr Moody's view was only a specimen day, he exhorted the workers to see to it that in all their attempted service for Christ, they have the gift of the Spirit that comes in answer to believing and united prayer. On the eve of the Church season of Whitsuntide, the utterance was one that would be specially acceptable to some; while it was a word of deep significance and perennial importance to all.
The Thursday and Friday evening meetings were more strictly on usual evangelistic lines. On Thursday afternoon Mr Moody spoke on "Prayer," and a remarkably live and real prayer meeting followed when many hearts were unburdened at the throne of grace. The hall was very crowded on both evenings. Overflows were held at the Presbyterian Church nearby when Mr W. R. Lane gave the addresses, and the word was manifestly with power, Mr Sankey sang at all the meetings on these two days, including the overflows, and his songs were heard with the greatest interest. The new setting of "Rock of Ages" was given and the grand old hymn was invested with a fresh attractiveness and profit. Some other new songs were given, as well as some that have now become old and fast favourites.
Mr Moody's expositions and appeals, it need not be said, were marked by all the pathos and intensity and freshness that many of those hearing him remembered so well. His fund of happy homely illustrations served to drive home the statements of Gospel truth and to soften the hearts of the hearers. After-meetings were held on both evenings, and the workers were kept busy for some time. Even during this brief visit, there was ample experience of the varied difficulties and hindrances that stand in the way of spiritual decision; but also of the marvellous power that lies in the word and promise of God to meet the needs and moods and cravings of the human spirit.
The work of our American friends was followed up by a short Gospel mission in the hall by Mr W. R. Lane.
From, "The Christian," June 2nd, 1892.
The interest awakened during our brethren's visit to Wandsworth was such as to determine the friends to carry on the meetings for a week at Down Lodge Hall after they had left. Accordingly, it was arranged that Mr W. R. Lane, who had been addressing the overflow meetings, should remain. His preaching met with much acceptance, and night by night there were some who confessed Christ.
Speaking on Monday night of the crowd which "thronged" our Lord and those who "touched" Him, the speaker said that perhaps there might be some in the meeting who last evening "touched" Him for the time with the hand of faith. Immediately a young fellow stood up to say, "Yes, I did"; then another rose, and another. The meetings increased both in attendance and interest, and quite a number of names have been taken in the inquiry-room.
From, "The Christian," June 9th,1892.
I believe this no longer exists, but was in Wandsworth High Street. It was built on the spot where a temporary building was erected for the visit of Moody and Sankey in 1882. Many would have been saved there.