Spurgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle, London - D L Moody (1892)


WHEN it was understood that the American evangelists were not likely to have any extended work in London during this third visit to our country, there was grievous and general disappointment. All who remembered the blessed and happy gatherings of bygone years, and who realised the overwhelming spiritual needs of our vast population, could not but wish that London should have a share in the labours of those whom God has so greatly honoured in the past, both in uniting the Christians and leading the careless to a better life. There was therefore corresponding joy when it was publicly announced a short while ago that the way had been opened for the holding of a week's mission at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Mr Sankey's absence is a decided diminution of the evangelistic force in the ministry of song, but many rejoiced to learn that a gifted substitute was to be found in the person of Mr G. C. Stebbins.

The mission began on Sabbath afternoon, Messrs Moody and Stebbins, having arrived from Bradford the preceding day. The crowd began to gather at an early hour, and though there was no great rush of people - owing partly, no doubt, to the wet morning - there were few vacant seats in the auditorium of the Tabernacle when Mr Moody rose to address the congregation. For half an hour a strong and well-trained choir, under the sway of Mr J. W. Godfrey's leading, had sung a selection of the Gospel hymns. As the throng gathered it was very interesting to note the presence of not a few of those who had taken a leading part in Mr Moody's former missions. Among others may be mentioned Lord and Lady Kinnaird, Mr T. A. Denny, Mr J. E. Mathieson, Mr George Williams, Mr Jas. Balfour, of Edinburgh, Mr Edward Trotter, Mr J. F. Deacon, Mr John McCall, besides many of the prominent officials at the Tabernacle. Among those to be seen on or near the platform were also Lady Edward Cavendish and Lord Bennet.

The Hundredth Psalm was grandly rolled out in a great volume of song, and prayer was offered by Rev V. J. Charlesworth. Mr Moody then stepped to the front and stated with regret that Mr Stebbins was suffering from severe cold and could not be present that day. He had also to crave the patience of his hearers on his own behalf; he had contracted a cold through open-air work in Ireland and was suffering from hoarseness, but he would do the best he could to make himself heard. Mr Mayers was fortunately present, and Mr Moody asked him to give as a solo his favourite tune, "Then shall my heart keep singing." The song was skilfully rendered, amid the hushed attention of he vast and reverent throng. Earnest petition again followed by Rev W. W. Clark, of New Jersey, whose Bible readings were a notable feature in Mr Moody's Northfield Conferences a few years ago.

The unexpected often happens in Mr Moody's meetings, and probably few anticipated that the evangelist's first message to London at this time would not be evangelistic, but one based on the importance of prayer as an agent in bringing down the blessing of heaven on this special week of effort. In commencing his address Mr Moody pathetically recalled the time when he first entered the Tabernacle, twenty-five years ago. He had come four thousand miles to hear Mr Spurgeon. What impressed him most was not the praise, though he thought he had never heard such grand congregational singing; it was not Mr Spurgeon's exposition, fine though it was, nor even his sermon; it was his prayer. He seemed to have such access to God that he could bring down the power from heaven; that was the great secret of his influence and his success. This power in prayer is what England and America sorely need at the present time. There are, perhaps, more preachers today who are intellectually great than ever before, but what we want is more of the power of the Holy Ghost to carry conviction to human hearts; and that will come in answer to believing, prevailing prayer. All the great worthies of Scripture history were men of faith and prayer, and such men are the need of the Church today.

With this preamble Mr Moody went on to say that he thought he could not better begin his testimony in this mission than by setting forth some of the


His address was intensely pointed and practical, as all his utterances are, and the huskiness of voice by which he was evidently being incommoded in delivery, did not seem to lessen the attentive stillness of the audience, that was only broken now and then by a ripple of pleasurable assent as he related some striking illustrative incident or gave utterance to some more than usually telling phrase.

The first element of true prayer given by the speaker was Adoration; with that in its due proportion there would be no flippant and familiar speech tripping glibly off the tongue. Another element is Confession; and on this head there was a scathing exposure of the formal, lifeless, prayerless prayers that kill so many of our church prayer meetings. We need to search our hearts to see why it is that God does not answer us—why it is that so many of the sons and daughters of professed Christians go off into the world or come under the influence of the drink devil, or some other devil that we are powerless to cast out.

Then comes the important element of Forgiveness, which Mr Moody desired all note-takers to write down in large letters. The unforgiving spirit shown towards fellow Christians is a cause of much spiritual leanness and withholding of God's blessing. Mr Moody told of two men, fellow officers in the same church, who had quarrelled and were not on speaking terms. One of them met the other and confessed his wrong, and they had a good time in mutually extending forgiveness for the past, and getting a present blessing to their souls. A good deal of this sort of thing will have to take place in many a church before there is much blessing in the Lord's work. A kindred point, mentioned as another element in prevailing prayer, was willingness to make Restitution. Here came in the telling illustration of a woman before whom five bottles of stolen wine always rose up when she essayed to kneel in prayer. It was not till she had made the matter good, so far as it was in her power, that the burden rolled away, and she came back so light-hearted that she felt as if she were "kind of floating through the air."

The cultivation of the spirit of Unity among Christians was next insisted on as an essential to answered prayer. Mr Moody said he thought we were making real advances in this direction within recent years, compared with the state of things a quarter of a century ago. There must be the spirit of Thankfulness, and that cheerfulness of spirit that comes from the assured conviction that we are on the winning side and that Christ is to come off victorious in the great fight with Sin and the devil. Other elements of prayer touched on were perseverance, faith, submission and petition. Let us not go all round the world in our prayers without asking God for anything definite. The final thought urged was that there should be a concentration of prayer at this juncture for a great blessing on the great effort put forth the present week at the Tabernacle. The address, though delivered under some disadvantage, so far as physical comfort was concerned, proved highly stimulating, and doubtless the preacher was well and wisely guided in his choice of a theme.

A large prayer meeting followed the address when earnest outpourings of confession and petition were made by Mr Balfour. Mr W Olney and Mr George Williams. The last-named made special entreaty on behalf of all the members of the reigning house; and also prayed that some of London's noblemen and members of Parliament might be drawn to the meetings and get a blessing to their souls.


Needless to say the crowd in the evening was immense. The great building, when crammed in every nook, could not hold all, and an overflow meeting was held in the Pastor's College building. This was addressed by Dr Barnardo and Lord Bennet. In the Tabernacle Mr Moody was again surrounded by many old friends as well as new ones. Nearby sat Mr Thomas Spurgeon, who offered the opening prayer, his rich clear voice sounding through the building as he besought a great blessing on the meetings of the week. Prayer was also made by Dr Barnardo, whose fervid soulful utterances moved the assembly greatly. Mr Stebbins was still absent, and Mr Moody's voice had not recovered its tone, but he bravely went through the address, which was upon calling on God for salvation. He rung out the changes on some of the brief scriptural prayers for mercy. The touching incidents interspersed with the Gospel appeals softened the hearts of the hearers, and the preacher's weakness of voice seemed no obstacle to the impressiveness of the occasion.

In a closing prayer, Mr Moody made a heartfelt reference to the departure of Mr Charles Spurgeon. He entreated that the abundant blessing of the Lord might rest on him as he went back to a distant land to tell out the Gospel message. Prayer was also made for the late Spurgeon's widow and for her interesting work for God.

The regular service concluded early, and an after-meeting was held in the lecture room below, while many remained in the main building to pray for blessing. The Lecture hall was well filled up with seeking souls, and to the these in the mass by Mr Moody spoke some very tender words by way of encouragement, to call on the Lord for salvation. When he came to ask for audible responses to his question, "Who has the courage to say, "I will trust and not be afraid?'" these came thick and fast from all corners of the room. A season of personal dealing followed, and it really seemed as it many golden sheaves had been gathered as the first fruits of the week's work.


The attendance at the 11 o'clock meeting for ministers and workers was quite encouraging. Area and first gallery were both filled up. Praise and prayer occupied the first half hour. Mr Stebbins was able to be at his post and delighted all with his singing. Mr Moody's voice was clearer, and he spoke with less effort than on the previous day. In his opening remarks he said he had not seen so much religious interest in this country since 1875 as there is now. All through the length and breadth of Ireland, there appears to be a great desire to hear the Gospel, and the same is true of the provincial towns of England. If the Church of Christ will only rise to the occasion we shall see signs and wonders wrought by God among the people. But in order to do this we shall have to lay aside our differences, to draw closer to each other and to have done with criticising one another. Mr Moody then said he would take up at a few of these morning meetings some of the emblems of the Holy Spirit given in Scripture - e.g., water, fire, the dove etc. On this first occasion he dealt with the truths shadowed forth under the figure of water - cleansing, refreshing, and fertilising. What the Church of today needs is more of the Spirit of God in all its members. Various degrees of spirit possession were referred to, and all were counselled to covet the highest of all - rivers of living water flowing out for the blessing of the world around. As striking examples of this degree of endowment, Mr Moody referred to the widespread and blessed influence exercised by such men as the late Mr Spurgeon and Dr Barnardo. If all Christians were full to overflowing of the Spirit of God there would be no room for jealousies and backbitings in the Church. In closing, Mr Moody invited all who desired a personal lift in the Christian life to rally round these morning gatherings and bring as many as possible of their fellow Christians - dead or alive.

The Tabernacle at night presented at once inspiring and solemnizing spectacle. Area and galleries were almost a solid mass of men; a few female figures here and there relieving somewhat the sombre aspect of the striking scene. Mr Stebbins sang the now well-worn, "Throw out the Lifeline," and with the aid of a lady's voice gave later, "Though your sins be as scarlet." Prayer was offered by Lord Kinnaird and a young clergyman. Mr Moody's sermon was on another fundamental doctrine -Regeneration. On this topic he had plenty of room to move to and fro, descanting first on what the new birth is not and then on what it is, and how it may be expected to prove itself. The sermon was full of illustrative incidents from the preacher's unique experience in dealing with different sorts of sinners - all of them needing the new heart that will produce the new life.

Again there was a very gratifying readiness to enter the inquiry room, where much business was done for eternity, and many, it is believed, made the great decision. Monday is a testing time as to attendance at such services. The experience of this first weekday of the mission, both as to attendance and interest, was such as to encourage the belief that this season of Gospel effort will be a memorable one in the history of London missions.

To a large concourse on Tuesday morning Mr Moody spoke on the searching, refining attributes of the Holy Spirit. A great proportion of the audience adjourned to the lecture hall for a season of prayer and consecration, this part of the meeting being led by Rev. F. B. Meyer.

From, "The Christian," October 13th, 1892


Before Mr Moody left London on Monday to enter on a weeks work in Boston and Norwich, he was entertained at luncheon in the Holborn Restaurant by Mr T. A. Denny and Mr George Williams, about fifty gentlemen, active in evangelistic work, having been invited to meet him. Among those who briefly spoke on the occasion, besides the hosts, were Mr William Olney, Mr Monro Gibson, Rev Mark Guy Pearse, Rev F. B. Meyer, Mr Robert Paton, Rev E. W. Moore, Rev J.F. Kitto, Dr Harry Grattan Guinness, etc. Many expressions of gratitude to God and to the evangelist were uttered in connection with the mission at the Metropolitan Tabernacle during the past week, and a strong and enthusiastic desire was expressed that Mr Moody should be earnestly invited to give further time to special Gospel work in London before he returns to America.

It was urged in support of this that no other man possesses so largely the ear of the people of London belonging to all classes of society; or commands so widely the confidence and esteem of all sections of the Christian Church. As the capital of the British Empire and the centre of the world's civilisation and enterprise, no city is able to wield such a far-reaching influence on other lands, and there is a commensurate need that its deep spiritual necessities should be met. The claims of the West End received special prominence, and very earnest were the words addressed to Mr Moody to consider the proposal favourably.

In replying, Mr Moody cordially thanked the friends for all the kind expressions they had used towards him. While he felt unable on the spur of the moment to give any answer to the proposition that he should revisit London at this time, he dwelt on the desirability of forming a permanent Evangelistic Committee for London, such as exists in Glasgow, and which would make itself responsible for undertaking any large and concerted movement of evangelisation among the masses.

The nucleus of a committee, as suggested by Mr Moody, was formed on the spot, and arrangements were made to prosecute immediate inquiries as to what suitable and neutral building in London could be secured for a mission. An urgent requisition to Mr Moody, asking him to come and conduct a series of services about the close of the year, is already on foot and will be made as large and as representative in its character as possible.

From, "The Christian," October 20th, 1892.

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