Newlyn (1849)

At Newlyn, "showers of blessing" came down. Sinners were brought to God by scores. The climax came on Easter Monday: formerly a day of riot it was this year a day of holy power. In its services a hundred persons, chiefly men, were added to the Lord. All ages and all ranks were subdued by the power of the cross. A Minister, at the renewal of tickets, asked the new converts to come around the table. To his surprise, seven old men, the youngest sixty-five, the oldest eighty, responded to his call. It was unspeakably affecting to see the tears chase each other down the furrows of their hard and storm-worn faces. Many a prayer-meeting out at sea was held in tiny barks by such brave mariners.

Oft when they had shot their nets, the voice of prayer and praise swelled out in the calm evening, and made the deep vocal, as it rose from boat after boat of the fisher fleet.

From ‘The Life of the Rev Thomas Collins, by Samuel Coley, p296.

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Location unknown.

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