Redditch (1826)

In the spring of the year 1826, the Lord vouchsafed to the town of Redditch, under the labours of the Rev. W. Davies, now of Brecon, a time of remarkable refreshing. Mr Davies writes, "Redditch being a solitary station, I entered upon the work there with a deep sense of responsibility. The cause seemed low, and by the consciousness of how much devolved upon me alone, I was driven to earnest prayer. My first address was upon the duty of entire dedication of body and soul to God and to His service. The impression upon the Society was deep and permanent. The class-meetings were better attended; the week-day services improved, the prayer meetings became lively, and the Society received additions daily.

"As a pastor, I was greatly encouraged by the case of Miss Perry, one who had served the Lord from her youth; but having for many years been a great invalid, in her dearth of means and strength, she had sunk into a state of doubt and anxious fear. During one of my visits, she in a most clear and marked manner recovered her joy of salvation. With holy ardour she immediately pressed into the fullness of love. Her experience of it was deep, and her testimony concerning it most satisfactory and edifying. At my request she invited the young female members of Society to see her, and to them with great tenderness, intelligence, and effect, she set forth the bliss and privilege of entire sanctification of the soul.

"One night Mrs Reading, the leader of a class which usually met at a private house, found such a number gathered with her members, in distress of mind that she judged it best to adjourn to the vestry, and also to request the presence and help of several experienced and devoted persons. The meeting was protracted. On my return from a country appointment, hearing the sound of prayer, I went in, and was gladdened by seeing many graciously set at liberty.

"The good work spread. Hundreds felt its influence. Some of the worst characters of the neighbourhood were converted."

From ‘The Life of the Rev Thomas Collins’ by Samuel Coley p12-13

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