THE special message which Mrs Baeyertz seems, in coming to this land, to have laid upon her heart is twofold - holiness of life and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. At all events these have been the points which have impressed themselves most deeply on the minds of who, day by day, have listened to our sister's Bible readings and Gospel addresses in the West London Tabernacle, Notting-hill, where she has been holding a ten days' mis-ion.
Each afternoon from Monday to Friday in last week, and from Monday to Wednesday in this, a Bible reading has been given. These have been much enjoyed, and many have felt that on the subjects treated the Word of God has been opened up in a very fresh and practical manner. The themes have included The Blessed Life. The Clean Heart, The Second Coming of the Lord, and The Great White Throne. The following brief summary of one afternoon's talk will interest many as illustrating Mrs Baeyertz's style of teaching:—
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right (or constant) spirit within me" (Psa. li. 10). This prayer of the Psalmist contains our subject for this afternoon. Notice that the word "clean," as used in the Old Testament, has in the New Testament its equivalent in the word "pure," so that our prayer in New Testament language ought to be, "Create in me a pure heart," and you remember Jesus Christ says, "Blessed are the pure in heart." How are our hearts to be pure? Only by constant cleansing. "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin." So long as we are in the flesh, sin in some form will be found in us, and we will be subject to temptation. I am not claiming perfection or sinlessness. But I do say that Scripture teaches that it is the right and privilege of every child of God to have a new heart, a pure heart, a clean heart; to have the motives from which actions spring purified; to be so yielded up given over to Christ as King that He may reign in us, and work in us and by us his good pleasure. We must seek to let God have his own way in us; where He comes, He reigns; where He reigns there is power over sin and for service.
Now turn to that wonderful saying of Zacharias in Luke i. 68-79. The coming of Jesus Christ was in order that "we should be saved from our enemies," "that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life." These enemies are bad temper, pride, worldliness, want of love, and similar hindrances to a life of communion. From such the Lord Jesus gives deliverance, if we but trust Him. And this deliverance is in order that we may serve before Him (not before men merely) in holiness and righteousness. Holiness is the beautiful life which Jesus Christ puts into us, lived out by the energy of the Holy Spirit.
Now, turning to the Old Testament, we find in Ezek. xxxvi. 25, 26, the promise "I will cleanse you; a new heart also will I give you." This is a Millennial passage, I know; but its blessings are for us now. What, then, are the conditions? First, we must ask that we may receive. "For this will I be inquired of" Then we must make full surrender of our will, yielding up every doubtful thing, remembering that " Whatsoever is not of faith is sin." And, moreover, we must trust Him fully and wholly, that our life may be one of absolute confidence in Him who is "able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." The Bible reading was followed by a season of heart-searching before God.
The evening addresses have been of a the-roughly evangelistic character, the Gospel being set forth in a clear and persuasive style. The most marked feature in the speaker is undoubtedly her simple and childlike confidence in God, that He has sent her on his business, that He is with her, that He hears prayer, that He is ready to bless his own word, and receive and pardon all who come to Him as sinners seeking mercy. Open-air work has been carried on at convenient points before each evening service, and this has been the means of attracting not a few who seldom enter a place of worship.
Much solemnity has marked these meetings - very specially that of Sunday evening - and the inquiry room has seen many anxious souls. It is not for man to number, that is known only to the searcher of hearts, but we may note that close upon a hundred have given in their names as professing to have found peace in believing.
From, "The Christian," August 11th, 1892