Romsey (1874)

A LARGE circle of friends have recently been staying at Broadlands as the guests of the Hon. Mr Cowper Temple - including the Duchess of Sutherland, Lady Ashburton, Miss Marsh (author of " The Life of Hedley Vicars"), several French Protestant clergymen, some American gentlemen and ladies, with Mr and Mrs Pearsall Smith. Mr Samuel Morley, M.P, the Rev. W. Arthur, and the Rev. Mr Wilkinson, of London, were also among the guests. Since their arrival religious meetings, private and public, have been held through almost the entire of each day, and stirring addresses delivered. 

On Sunday afternoon there was a very large congregation under some of the beautiful trees in the private grounds at Broadlands. This meeting was opened by the Hon. Mr Cowper Temple, who delivered a most excellent address, and he followed this by an earnest extempore prayer. Mr Pearsall Smith and a clergyman of the Church of England also addressed the congregation of about 500 persons, including the guests we have before named. Afterwards, a group of about 100 persons clustered around Miss Marsh, and she addressed them in a most loving and fervent manner.

In the different places of worship on Sunday, some of the gentlemen gave addresses - the Rev. Mr Fox, in the Abbey Church; Mr Smith, Baron Brett, and others, in the Independent and Baptist chapels. On Monday and Tuesday, large open-air meetings were held in the park; and there has been "no small stir" among the people of Romsey, resulting in evidently, a religious awakening. We trust that permanent good may come of this large gathering at Broadlands.

"Signs of Our Times," July 30, 1874.

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