Mevagissey (1882)

The following extracts from a letter, dated March 2, written by a daughter of the principal of a boys' school im Tregony to a friend in London, will be read with thankful interest:-

"On Sunday evening one of the boys, a minister's son, gave his heart to God; the next evening three other boys did so and the work has gone on until now (Thursday night) the number has increased to twenty-three.

This evening we had a meeting for praise, specially for those who were on the Lord's side, but for any besides who wished to be present. Nearly fifty came, and most of them were Chri-tians; some who were there have become decided since the meeting. Our Christian band at the beginning of the term numbered twenty or more, and now it will, I think, be more than doubled. 

"God has indeed blessed us, and is blessing still, for the work is not ended. We trust that this is only the beginning of a rich outpouring of his grace, not on us alone, but on the village also. We have been holding united services for nearly a fortnight in the different chapels of the place, and the last two evenings some men from Portloe, a fishing village near, have been over. They sang through the street, and last night some of them gave their experience. There has been a little movement in the village, but I believe there will soon be more; round about us great good is being done, and I think Tregoney will not be missed.

"At Mevagissey a wonderful work is going on. It is a little fishing place, hardly more than a village, yet in it three hundred souls have professed to find the Lord within the past few weeks, and three hundred more in the district round.

"We had a few weeks ago a most cheering letter from an 'old boy' -, telling my father of his conversion, and saying that he would like to come and speak to the boys and the people. Soon after, another 'old boy,' one who left more recently, and who gave his heart to God whilst at school, called and told my father how the Lord had opened his mouth and given him power, just lately, to speak for Him without fear of man. He and a friend of his lately converted have been holding meetings in different places near their home, and have been greatly blessed in winning souls. He is ready to come also and to speak for God here.

"I must tell you that since I began this letter some boys have been saved. I did not finish it last night, and this morning two more had been able to say they were trusting in Christ. One of them said  he meant to be alright before he slept—and he was."

"The Christian," 16th March 1882.

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