Morlais Castle (1859)

  The moral condition of the neighbourhood was very low. On the Sabbath day hundreds gathered to witness cock-fights, and to play games of chance, such as ''pitch and toss," for money in the open air.
The favourite rendezvous for this was the dry moat of Morlais Castle. One afternoon, fortified by the first throb of revival power, a number of young men ventured to build  an altar for God in the midst of their idols. The enemy scoffed, smoked, and jeered during the singing of the first hymn but when the Bible was opened, Dagon began to tremble and soon fell prostrate on its face before the Ark. This place, that had been for years the headquarters of blasphemers and gamblers, was seized and permanently occupied by the soldiers of the Cross thousands gathering there for the prayer-meeting at six every Sunday morning.

From, 'The '59 Revival', by J J Morgan, page 97.

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