Abertrinant (1860)

IN the course of the summer of 1855 something touched the heart of an old deacon in this place, named Robert Lewis, so that nothing would satisfy him but holding meetings, to pray for the success of the gospel, at eight o'clock on Sabbath mornings, and which for a time went on very successfully. When the days began to shorten, the time for holding the prayer-meeting was changed to one o'clock in the afternoon, but not long afterwards the meeting came to an end. The old deacon was taken very ill, and, when the accounts of the Revival in Cardiganshire reached him on his sick-bed, he earnestly requested that the prayer-meeting might be re-com­menced. Not long afterwards, however, signs of success were to be seen, and on one Sabbath evening in March, at the close of the prayer-meeting the heavenly fire broke out in an extra­ordinary manner. Every one present, as far as could be ascer­tained, was calling on God and it was impossible to know whose voice was the loudest—every heart was broken, and on every face were rivers of water the result being, that eleven were added to the number of the church that evening. From that time forth, the prayer-meetings, and many a sermon also, have been very powerful, so that almost the whole neighbour-hood have been brought to profess the name of Jesus Christ. The effects of the Revival in this place are to be seen very plainly, especially on the mountains, where the shepherds are wont to collect together during the summer to watch the flocks. These spots have witnessed in times past the fulfilment of dreadful sins, the very earth as it were groaning under the weight of curses and blasphemies, God's holy name mocked, his Sabbaths profaned, and the devil worshipped. Bat "the Lord bath created a new thing on the earth." The neigh­bours, when cutting turfs on the mountain, now spend their dinner-hour together praying for mercy to their souls, instead of sleeping or playing, as they did formerly. Never before were the rocks of the mountains heard echoing the cries of the needy before the throne of grace. When the night arrives, the very air is full of the sound of secret prayer. One in a corner of a field may be heard exclaiming, "O God! be merciful to me a sinner;" whilst another, on the side of a hill, is to-and crying, " Save my neighbours;" and another, in the wood, saying, "O Sun, stay until we have destroyed our mien-dos." Of a truth we have here a "new heaven and a new earth," according to His promise. Our sincere desire is, that the Revival would extend all over the world; and may we not "keep silence, nor give our Lord rest, till He set Zion a praise in the earth."—Y Drysorfa.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume III, page p142.

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