Grange (1859)

“The first great meeting held here in ‘59 assembled at what is known as The Grange Corner. The late Mr James Lea interested himself in securing the attendance of some of the more prominent of the converts. Long before the hour appointed for the commencement of the services, the space assigned for the meeting—‘The Corner’—was densely packed. Among the converts present were Jeremiah Meneely, James McQuilkin and Samuel Campbell. The two former gave addresses, after which Samuel Campbell began to pray. He had scarcely commenced when a noticeable change passed over the great audience. There was first a movement among the people, then a cleavage—a segregation—then a breaking up among them. Some fell to the ground crying out bitterly about sin and salvation, others began to pray, while numbers entered the adjoining graveyard and, falling down upon the grassy sward, sobbed and wept all the time, calling upon God to have mercy upon them and save their souls. While Mr Campbell was subsequently speaking from Isaiah lv. 6-7, the people fell before him on the ground like the yellow grain before the scythe. In the confusion and excitement that ensued the leaders were perplexed as to what they should do. The Rev. H. Stewart, the minister of the Presbyterian Church at Grange, invited some of the leaders of the meeting down to his house that they might deliberate over the matter. When they afterwards returned they found the church filled to overflowing. Some were singing, others were praying, while a Roman Catholic convert was in the act of addressing the people. The meeting was continued all through the night, until daybreak, when the people with reluctance separated in order to go home it was felt that the power and presence of the Spirit was here, and many rejoiced spiritually from this date.”



The gracious revival has extended from the parish of Connor to that of Ahoghill, then to Portglenone, and round by Tully, Largey, Grange, Straid, Slatt, Galgorm Park, Killalers, Cloughwater, Clough and Rasharkin. Nor is it yet showing any symptoms of decline – on the contrary, it is moving on with amazing Power. Every day, almost every hour is bringing tidings of conviction. The interest is more and more awakening and extending.

From a statement by Rev Frederick Buick on 18th May 1859.

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