First Presbyterian Church Bangor (1859)

The work of God spreads here. On Saturday I visited some seventeen cases, some that day, others before, who had been either stricken down or had quietly sought for mercy at the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. One woman seemed almost out of the body. Two ministers called to visit her immediately after Christ had revealed his love in her heart. She really preached to them, and the writer was one of these ministers. She said we should keep nothing back from people, and ought to be charitable with each other, and the one Christian minister not say of the other, " that the blind was leading the blind," "but that we ought all to abound in love, as we were all preaching one Gospel and one Lord Jesus Christ to a lost world." I met seven converts in the evening of Saturday, that came into one house while I was in Church Quarter. My soul sat in heavenly places with Christ when they beautifully sang together that interesting and blessedly-appropriate Revival hymn:

"One there is above all others,

O how He loves!"

I met with four young converts in Fisher-hill. While I prayed in the family, my soul was so happy, I could believe for all present—the house seemed filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. In the morning of the Sabbath, I preached in Newtownards, to a large audience, in Zion Meeting-house. Many young converts were present. Heaven seemed to beam from their very countenances. I could hardly address them, I was so filled with holy joy at seeing them again.

From ‘The Revival Newspaper,’ Volume i, p35, August 27th, 1859.

The Rev. S. Nicholson, a venerable minister of the Methodist Church, writes as follows:—"Since my last letter, we have had some stricken down in the several meeting-houses of this town, and some in their own houses. On Sunday, the 28th of August, I preached two sermons to the young converts. One man, J. R, who had been stricken before, fell down in a pew below me and was removed. I had this day some sixty converts present, and many of them had been stricken. God was with us, in the power of his Spirit, both morning and evening. After I closed the night service, I visited Miss T., who had been stricken again. She seemed as if under demoniac, possession.' She was held, or would, undoubtedly, have hurt herself. On the following day I called again to see her. I found her slightly convulsed and being held. I prayed for her, and she became quite calm and composed. We sang hymns to her: two she requested herself. One of them was:—

'One there is above all others

Oh, how he loves!'

I spent more than an hour with her. I left, fully convinced that this is the work of God's Holy Spirit, in truth. J. R. was better and quite composed and happy in Jesus. He was stricken while working at the Castle. I am able to say that in this street some sixty are brought to God—many in a quiet way. Men see in these cases that that hand which is upon them could quite easily strike, them into hell. A young man, in the same street, was struck on the loom, and would have fallen through the web, but was caught by his companion. The whole family seem to be affected and are more fully yielding their hearts to God. A young woman, last month, that attended regularly, sent for me while I was opening the meeting in the Temper­ance Hall. I left the meeting in the hands of a lay brother. I found her in bed, praying earnestly for mercy. She soon was enabled to believe in Jesus and found peace in her soul in his precious blood. Next day, in the same street, and next house but one, Miss M. strove in great distress on account of her sins. She was in great agony for some two hours. Rev. Mr M'Cullough sat one hour, and did not interrupt her, she was praying so fervently, on her knees, fin mercy. That day she was made happy by faith in the blood of Jesus. About the same time, or a day or two sooner, a woman, Mrs S., was deeply convinced of sin. I was sent for but had gone from our chapel to visit a stricken case in another part of the town. When I reached the house, I found her rejoicing in God her Saviour. I preached in the fair of Saintfield and noticed the working of God in that locality. At night, I was called on by Rev. Mr Stewart, of Clough, to speak in his meeting-house, at a large Revival service. A young man that I had known years ago—a respectable clerk in Belfast—delivered an in­teresting address, on--' How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? O what a change had taken place in this man since I met him formerly in Belfast. He held me by both the hands and told me he had found Christ. Another man, a nailor, gave out part of a psalm and prayed with sense and power. I learned from a friend that he was stricken about five weeks ago, in this meeting-house. When I entered a friend's house, I found the servant girl had been stricken and led. to Christ. I have to state, in conclusion, that three of my children were stricken last night. My eldest girl is now in bed and has been praising Jesus both last night and part of this morning. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory.'"—Banner of Ulster.

From ‘The Revival Newspaper,’ Volume i, p99, Oct 22nd, 1859.

Additional Information

This church was built in 1831 so is likely to be where the meetings were held.

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