Garvagh Parish Church (1859)

The rector, Rev. Mr Smyth, narrates:

“I have been twenty-seven years rector of this parish, and ever before witnessed even the most remote approach to what is now going on. Vice and immorality of every sort lessened to an incredible extent, and oaths scarcely ever heard, or drunkenness seen; the houses of religious worship well filled, both on the Sabbath and weekdays. Even the Roman Catholics now seem afraid to speak against the work, which at first they ascribed to the devil. I have witnessed persons of all ages, from five years to nearly eighty, awakened to a sense of their sins, and calling for mercy through a crucified Saviour; and in no instance have I seen one backslider.”


Few districts of the country have been more richly blessed than this with Divine influence since the work commenced, about ten weeks back. Many, hitherto utterly careless, have been awakened, and, it is hoped, brought savingly to believe on Christ. District prayer-meetings continue to be held throughout the neighbourhood to the number of three, sometimes, in the same evening; and, though bodily prostra­tions are not so numerous, a deep and solemn interest is still discovered by the parties who attend them.

From ‘The Revival Newspaper,’ Volume i, p42/3, Sept 3rd, 1859.

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