Glenelly Presbyterian Church Newtownstewart (1859)

The scenes in this town and neighbourhood baffle description; they are truly wonderful. In consequence of the curate having refused the use of his church, the rector was written to, and he ordered the church to be opened for Revival services, At the Presbyterian meeting about forty were calling for mercy. At another about six hundred were conversed with, and the meet­ing did not break up till the next morning. 'Wondrous things are taking place daily. The Lord is smiting in judgment some who have mocked at this work,

From ‘The Revival Newspaper,’ Volume i, p19, Aug 13th 1859.

Some of God's people in this place have been wrestling in prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit since the break­ing out of the great American Revival, and they have not wrestled in vain. The first meeting in connection with the Revival was held in Glenelly Presbyterian Church, on the 4th July. Rev. John Moore preached impressively from the words—" Marvel not that I said unto you, ye must be born again." After the sermon, it was suggested that, as we had met to plead especially for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the congregation should go on their knees and pray for the Holy Spirit to be sent down into their hearts to convince them of sin and lead them to a Saviour. They did so, and ere they rose from their knees, the Spirit was poured out in rich profusion—piercing, heart-rending cries ascended to the Throne of Grace for mercy. The congregation broke up into groups: for wherever a stricken soul was crying for mercy, that soul was surrounded by others engaged in prayer, or giving a word of consolation. Several times it was attempted to dismiss the congregation but again and again another was brought to feel the intolerable burden of sin, and, consequently, the meeting was protracted until daylight, when most of the stricken ones had found peace: others did not find peace until the next day. Between twenty-five and thirty were brought under conviction, among them some Episcopalians, many of whom were present. District prayer-meetings have been formed, and have been blest to many souls. Many have been brought under conviction in their own homes and by the wayside, after having attended these meetings. From ‘The Revival Newspaper,’ Volume i, p35, August 27, 1859.

Additional Information

The church is one of the first buildings on the left when coming in from the west.

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