Tredegar - Salvation Army (1878)

This is an excerpt from the second monthly report from the Salvation Army station here.

Still crowded to excess, both Sundays and weeknights. Some opposition and scorn on the part of the enemy, which seems to help the chariot along. Sisters Haywood and Pick write: "We had a blessed and mighty saving time all day Sunday. Processions good, and at night, while I was speaking in the Temperance Hall, which was very crowded (it will seat a thousand people), one dear man came running down from the gallery to the platform, crying for mercy. I had to stop at once, till he got gloriously saved, and then I finished speaking; after that, five more came out seeking mercy. One of these declared he had been the worst drunkard in Tredegar, that he starved his wife and children, and his home was like a little hell. Now it is a little Heaven.'' That day they had three souls at the 7 o'clock prayer meeting, three in the morning service, and six at night.

From, 'The Christian Mission Magazine', January 1879, pages 13-14

PRAISE God for what He has done through another month; it has indeed been one of victory and Joy. We have seen many weeping their way to Calvary and thank God they have not wept in vain; for the friend of sinners was there, and with the handkerchief of His love He has wiped their tears all away. Bless His dear name.

...We are having some glorious times. crowds can't get in. Wish the place was larger. Souls nearly every night. Sinners of the deepest dye have been saved. The devil is being defeated. God's dear name has been glorified.

From, 'The Salvationist,' April 1879, page 106/7.

Additional Information

I do not know where it was in Morgan Street.

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