Glory be to God for ever! The whole town is moved, and hundreds are being converted to God. I dropped in here last Monday night, unexpectedly, and found the "Zulu Queen," (a Hallelujah Lass) with four Lieutenants, in the thick of the fight. Rink packed, and fourteen souls. Circus also packed and twenty-one souls; quite 5,000 people on Monday night in a city of thirty-six thousand inhabitants, means that something must be done. One publican has shut up [closed] and the others are having a very quiet time of it, no mistake. One Brewer alone sends seven tons of beer less to Chester now, than he did three months ago. Hallelujah!
The police are very kind to us and the chief of police says The Salvation Army is the best thing that ever came to Chester. I was introduced to the Mayor, who said they had very little to do on the Bench, and they are having fewer [criminal] cases every week. Praise the Lord!
"The War Cry", February 1882.