Hull - Salvation Army (1880)

Weekly report from the Salvation Army station here.

Glory to God we are going ahead having crowded streets; great excitement, with great power. Friday night was one never to be forgotten; 253 persons were admitted by ticket; 73 came out for a clean heart.

The Saturday night free and easy was better than ever, brothers and sisters testifying of the power. On Sunday, 37 were at 7 o’clock prayer meeting; we had nearly a 100 in the band all day...

From, 'The War Cry', April 1880

A special week was commenced by captains Broadbent, Talbot and George on Sunday the 18th. Great excitement was occasioned, the streets been crowded and the place packed. The policeman told us that 30 yards each way outside the Temple was crowded. Glory to the King! 17 souls left the ranks of the enemy that day. On Monday night 29 gave their hearts to the Lord. On Tuesday 14 professed to find peace through the Blood and on Wednesday 17. On Thursday we had a mothers' meeting at 2:30, when over 100 with their babies availed themselves of the privilege, which resulted in three souls for heaven. Lord keep the mothers! A grand time at night, with 12 more weeping their way to Calvary. Friday, another meeting for mothers, which was better than ever, three starting for the better country. We then had a grand meeting of perfect love casts out fear; about 400 were admitted by ticket. A few sinners were there also and four came out and got saved. Everybody seemed filled with love to God and man. This closed the 6 days services with our Brothers, the result being 99 lost sheep being brought into the fold. On Saturday night the dear Lord sent us a few more. On Sunday the 21st we had a regular “smash,” for 53 professed to find peace.

From, 'The War Cry', May 1880.

On Saturday the 11th we had a glorious time at our Free and Easy; several who have lately let the enemy testifying to God’s power to keep them from sinning and to take away the desire for strong drink; at the close of the meeting we had 18 souls for our hire. God indeed answered our prayer in a marvellous manner; many who had led lives of sin and wickedness and who have hitherto spent their Saturday nights at the public houses, came boldly forward and surrendered all to Christ. The Old Chariot is indeed kept rolling along at this station.

Sundays mornings open-air was well attended and some shots were fired into the enemy's camp and at our inside meeting at the Temple scores testified to the good the Army had wrought in their individual cases. In the afternoon we had 280 present in the procession and when we reached the Temple it was packed in every part, many of the band not being able to get in at all. The sisters spoke with great power and a large audience seem deeply moved.

At night the procession was as large as ever and Temple again crowded; and at the close of the day's work for the Lord, very many again surrendered to Christ.

Monday Tuesday and Wednesday’s meetings were crowded in every part and at the close of each night's meetings we had very many souls in the Fountain.

From, 'The War Cry', September 1880.

Grand smash here yesterday - 50 souls!! Hall packed all day. Crowds had to go away, could not get in.

From, 'The War Cry', November 1880.

By October 1881 4,500 had been saved in Hull. It was one of the most successful works of the Salvation Army. They had at least 4 centres in Hull and there are many reports in the War Cry of this period and in years to come.

Hull II

We are still going on at Hull II in the name of our conquering King and father. It has been victory all the week. Hallelujah! 40 prisoners and lots of deserters have been caught and brought back and reconciled to the King. Glory to God! All the meetings have been grand especially Friday night's Holiness meeting. Oh! What a meeting, from 16 to 18,000 (this should probably read hundred) people present. The Holy Ghost took hold of the meeting and 100 came out to the mercy seat and consecrated their all to God. Five sought Salvation. It was a time of real dealing with God and a time of great rejoicing. Saturday night, Free and Easy, 133 reclaimed drunkards, swearers, wife beaters, rogues and all sorts testified for God. Glory to his name!

Sunday, past description, over 200 at knee drill and one saved. Morning Holiness meeting grand. Afternoon, roused the neighbourhood by the band and over 400 real “Blood and Fire“ soldiers on the march; Good time. Inside, sisters meeting and three babies to give to the Lord.

...Glory to God! We finished with 21 souls and nine deserters taken from the enemy.

Hull III

Sunday was a glorious day. We commenced at 7 o’clock with a grand time on our knees and when we arrived we felt ready for a day of real fighting. Grand marches all day.

In the afternoon 100 in ranks and with colours flying and music playing, we marched through some of the lowest slums of Hull, where music is very seldom heard except a stray barrel organ or the low filthy song of the musical. Glory to God! We had some of the devil's oen in our ranks who a few weeks ago were in the tap room, but now are singing and shouting and praising God and smiling at the publican's rage as we march past the door.

Night was beyond description. Everybody felt the power of God. Sinners tremble all over the place.

Finished up with 40 precious souls in the Fountain; making 60 for the week and we are believing for still greater victories. Glory to Jesus!

From. 'The War Cry', March 1882.

These are only some examples of what was happening here. More reports can be seen from the War Cry in future months/years.

Hull IV

Great battle, devil defeated, another fort taken. On Sunday the battle of Drypool was fought. This has been a stronghold of the devil; regiments with brass bands marched over 6 miles. Drypool Green and Corporation Field are large centres. Thousands of people assembled. The beating of drums, blasting of bugles, firing the volleys, shouts of warriors and waving of banners, past description. Devil fled, prisoners captured. New barracks packed inside all day, crowds wanting to get in. Morning, hundreds stood upon their feet in the presence of the King, declaring they would fight or die for his Kingdom. Afternoon and night were the scenes of slaughter. Rows of wretched men and women slaves of the devil, were captured and brought into the Castle of the King and received pardon, were then made soldiers and commenced firing upon the enemy. The four places were packed. The list of the slain is not yet made up. 

From,'The War Cry', August 1882.





Additional Information

I do not know where the meetings were held.

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