Hammersmith, London - Salvation Army (1874)

We rejoice to know that while God is so wonderfully blessing the labours of dear brethren Messrs Moody and Sankey, He is also remembering us. Men and women are not only being turned to God but are labouring day and night to bring their fellows to the Saviour's feet.

From, The Christian Mission Magazine,' April 1875, page 102.

FROM my sick room I venture to send forth to my Christian friends my tenth monthly report, and never have I felt that there has been so much cause for praise.

The people are living and working for Jesus. The congregations were never larger, the converts never more interesting; and after enduring months of petty annoyance and persecution from the police, we have now, for a few Sundays, been allowed to stand in the open air and preach the glad tidings of salvation. We have had visits, which God has abundantly blessed, from Mr and Mrs Booth - visits and labours that will be remembered in eternity.

Our third quarterly tea-meeting was the best we have had yet, over 300 sitting down to tea; but the best was at the close when poor sinners sought and found salvation.

From, The Christian Mission Magazine,' May 1875, page 131.

And truly we can say, if God were not for us, we should not be able to make much headway at this station, for, of a truth, the great men have risen up against us, and are determined to put us down. They have drawn up a petition and got it signed by a number like-minded with themselves, and lodged it in the hands of the police and so on- listed them to carry out their hellish plan, to stop the preaching of the Gospel in the streets. But the men and women of the Christian Mission have been in the wood too long to be afraid of the screech of an owl.

A stranger passing through Hammersmith on Sunday night last would have wondered what had been the matter to have seen n procession of two or three-hundred men and women tramping through the mud, singing the songs of Zion, headed by two policemen, with one on either side of us, and two behind, escorting us to the Town Hall, as though we had been a lot of deserters. But in spite of all opposition, we have had a winter of glorious success; the Lord has given us a glorious victory, far beyond what we ever expected to see. Bless His name!

We have had a visit from Mr Booth and it was a day of great blessing, especially to God's people in the morning. In the evening, accompanied with Divine power, the Word burnt its way to the hearts of the people, and seven came forward seeking Jesus; on the following Monday night, four more; on the Tuesday night, at a free tea given by J. C. Campbell, Esq., nine more started for the kingdom; on the \Vcdncsday night, two more; and on the following Sunday, eight more got into liberty, and during the three weeks that followed, 65 more came forward seeking tho forgiveness of sins through the Saviour's blood; so during the last month of persecution the devil has not had it all his own way.

---When we came to one of our open-air stands one morning, two policemen were waiting for us, and before we had time to commence, the sergeant came, and said, "We have got orders to stop you fellows, and we are determined to do it.'' Whereupon he was assured, in a moment, by the leader of the band, that we had come to do our work, and should do it; and if they would not allow us to stand we would walk. We at once commenced singing, and for one hour they walked backwards and forwards by our side until it was time for us to go to the morning service. In the afternoon, as soon as we commenced to sing, the publican came out and began to grin at us, and then to load us with contempt and scorn; then he got up to the top of his house and emptied his spittoons and dirt and filth all over the men and women who had turned out to try and do good. This is how they treat the servants and handmaids of the living God at Hammersmith, one of the fashionable parts of the west-end of London!

From, The Christian Mission Magazine,' March 1876, page 62.

HALLELUJAH! we are rising, and the work of God is reviving, and our numbers are increasing. Larger congregations than ever praise the Lord. The Town Hall is crowded on Sundays. People have been coming here from all parts of London to get saved. This last month has been a blessed one to many precious souls; over 50 have professed to find the Lord to the JOY of their souls. A great many of them are with us. 

From, 'The Salvationist', October 1879, page 267.

Additional Information

They stood in the Broadway.

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