Cradley Heath - Salvation Army (1880)

What a rush! Theatre gets packed; we wish we had more theatres; the masses like plain buildings. No carpets to spoil hair, plain benches and boards and 1500 people and that is not all; 11 souls get washed in the Saint cleansing fountain.


...How we long for Cradley Heath's first 7 am love feast! Long before 7 am on Sunday morning people float through the streets like a swarm of bees. Captain Johnson begins before seven. Talk about sharpshooting, 160 speak in one hour. Is not 160 short, good testimonies are better than two hours bad preaching? What if! What interest! What joy! When the meeting is over we all have to pass through the street gate, to be counted up. No mistake; 378 have started Sunday well. 10 o’clock is soon here; Captain Johnson first again, because before time. Generally 70 are out, but this morning over 100 are in the march. As we are turning up at narrow place someone whispered, “this is the worst street in all the town.“ Gamblers and pigeon flyers abound. As we go along, we espy a public house with a remarkable sign. “Why not?“ Is its name. The theatre was quite full at the 11 o’clock Holiness meeting. Several sought and found the baptism of fire, one soul found peace. At 2 pm we met in a large yard belonging to the corporation for a United monster procession.

700 in this grand march. The theatre and Primitive school room were both filled; souls saved in both places. We were glad to find great unity existing among all the denominations. The church has confessed to having been quickened – revived and benefited by the Army coming to Cradley. Ministers of the town and other friends, help and unite with the Army in various ways, thereby showing their love and sympathy for the greatest soul saving movement of the 19th century. The theatre on Sunday night was densely packed – filled to suffocation; hundreds outside; mighty influence; rapt attention; over 30 souls. Before leaving, one young woman screamed for mercy.

From, 'The War Cry', November 1880.

Hallelujah! Floods of salvation still continue in this district. Men and women whose lives have been a burden to them, whose souls have been steeped in sin, are awakening up to the fact that there is still balm in Gilead. Hallelujah! There is a Physician there who can heal hearts that are broken on account of sin. During the short time the Army has been here there has been raised a fighting band of real soldiers, who are willing to be led anywhere to rescue dying men and women and every night we are proving that God can and does use wholehearted people. Many who have been daredevils in the service of Satan are now as earnest in the service of Christ. Praise His Holy name!

…Friday, nights are glorious.

…Good day on Sunday, 330 at knee drill; good marches, place full at night, 28 souls all day.

From, 'The War Cry', October 1881.

God moved powerfully here - These are just two examples of what was happening here. More reports can be seen in earlier War Crys and in future years.


Additional Information

I do not know where the meetings were held.

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