Hanley - Salvation Army (1882)

The work of God is going on in a marvellous manner at the station. The whole district for miles around seems to have caught the fire, and the result is that the mighty work of God is going on throughout the whole place.

On Sunday we had a grand day. The 'Gipsy Lass' was with us again and prayed, sang and spoke with the usual earnestness and power. The night meeting was really beyond description. Fully an hour before the time of commencement the tent (which holds 5,000 persons) was crowded to such an extent that the captain at once marshalled off lieutenant Harkness to the Market Square to hold a service there. Although the devil and his agents were at work in an especial manner, yet God was on our side and gave us a great victory; for, during the prayer meeting, over 90 poor sin stricken souls wept their way to the feet of Jesus. Hallelujah!       Captain Gipsy Smith

From, 'The War Cry', April 1882.

This was the station of the well-known evangelist Gipsy Smith, who, later in the year, was to split from the Salvation Army and become an itinerant revivalist.

This is just one example of what was happening here. More reports can be seen from the War Cry in future months/years.

The half has never been told about Hanley. From Saturday until Sunday night the enormous gipsy tent has been filled. On Sunday night thousands were wedged in. Have a read of scenes in the history of great revivals, but saw them on Sunday night. Men and women stricken all over the place, sobs and groans and cries, big men had to be carried by Captain Gipsy Smith to the submission form. Upwards of 100 at the mercy seat Sunday night. Police very kind.

From, 'The War Cry', August 1882.

Additional Information

I do not know where the meetings were held.

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