Newtown - Primitive Methodists (1824)

Shrewsbury Branch appears to have been made into a separate Circuit in December 1823, and to have immediately extended its missionary labours to Welshpool, Newtown, and other neighbouring places in Montgomeryshire, North Wales. Messrs. Ride and Vaughan laboured there for a short time with great success. Mr Ride says, “Our quarter-day (Oaken Gates Circuit's Quarterly Meeting of December 1623) agreed that I should go into Shrewsbury Circuit for six weeks. I was appointed to go to Welshpool and Newtown, where the work of God broke out in a wonderful manner. At a place called Correy, near Newtown, a great effect was produced. On Monday, at noon, January 19th, 1824:, I spoke to about two hundred persons. The Lord filled me with faith and the Holy Ghost, and the people wept bitterly. After the meeting I went into a house to take some refreshment, and as many of the hearers as could get in, followed me. So instead of eating and drinking, we began singing and praying, and several professed to find the Lord. The members admitted by me and Brother Vaughan about Welshpool and Newtown, amount to ninety."

In the town of Shrewsbury, too, a powerful revival of religion took place at this time. The Circuit Book Steward, writing to Mr James Bourne, under date of February 4, 1824, says: — "We are happy to inform you that we have had a great revival. Some scores of souls have been converted, and we have had an increase of society, during the last fortnight, of a hundred members."

From, ‘The History of the Primitive Methodist Connexion from its origin, by John Petty, 1860, p164

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Location unknown.

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