Tabernacle Baptist Chapel, South Shields - D L Moody (1873)

We have just concluded a most glorious day of blessing and of great spiritual joy. Today, October 15th, Mr Moody and Mr Sankey, assisted by a number of the most spiritual and devoted ministers and Christian men in the district, have held an all-day meeting in the Tabernacle, South Shields. The day was parcelled out as follows: 10 to 11 a.m., prayer and the Word; 11 to 12, praise and joy; 12 to 1, warfare; 1 to 2, service and communion; 2 to 3, what we are to Christ; 3 to 1, what Christ is to us. The day was most favourable, being like a summer day. The Rev D Lowe opened out the first hour, giving a lucid address on the value and power of prayer, showing how we may be filled with the Spirit in answer to prayer; also speaking on Jesus' intercession for us, and giving a few excellent remarks on the sweetness and value of Word of God. 'The meeting being then thrown open, a gentleman spoke a few pithy words on his own experience of the power of the Word under Mr Moody's preaching. Next followed Brother Moody, on being filled with the Spirit; then the whole North of England would feel the power of the present meeting. A person then quoted Rom. viii. 26. The Rev. Mr Hanson, of Shield, then spoke a few appropriate words on Scripture prayers, alluding to the Canaanitish woman as an illustrious instance of importunate prayer gaining its object, mentioning the displeasure of the disciples on that occasion, and saying that many ministers and members of churches did not like to be disturbed, but wished to go on in their usual cold, formal, and respectable way Mr Swinburne, of Gateshead, then spoke on Psalm cxix. Mr Sankey gave out "Sweet hour of prayer," and Mr Moody prayed that the Word might be as a fire in our bones, that, like Jeremiah, we might not be able to forbear.

The hour eleven having struck, the most blessed and happy hour of the day began. : "Praise and Joy." Mr Sankey gave out "Over There." After singing, Mr Sankey said, "This hour ought to be the happiest hour of our lives. He read the 150th Psalm and said it was the best Psalm of all. One of the things he had to thank God most for, was his kindness to him and Mr Moody since first he saw the shores of Old England through the fog after crossing the Atlantic; instancing the love of saints in York; then in Sunderland; then in Newcastle, where the great blessing had come down, and hundreds of souls had been saved; asking praise for the many converts, and specially for an old woman saved last night, an old sinner aged eighty-three. Mr Sankey requested fifty people to get up and praise God during the residue of the hour. Mr Moody then delivered himself of some burning words on "The joy of the Lord is your strength," and " That your joy may be full, and " Your joy no man taketh from you." Mr R Hoyle said, "God is always giving, and we should be always praising." Mr Cecil Hoyle then mentioned the case of the conversion of an old man and asked praise for this. The tabernacle now became exceedingly crowded, many not being able to get even within the doors. The hymn "O Happy Day' was sung, and the joy of the meeting appeared to be full, the Lord himself being very present. Mr Lowe exhorted us to speak well of the Lord, speaking from Heb. xiii. 15, "The fruit of our lips." from the 72nd Pealm. Mr Swinburne spoke from the 72nd Psalm. After this several converts in succession told what the Lord had done for them; Mr Moody broke in upon the meeting with a very touching prayer for them. Mr R Hoyle and Mr Moody spoke a few words of encouragement to the converts, and Brother Sankey sang "More to follow." Mr Moorhouse spoke on Heb. iii. 17. Space forbids any account of his telling address. Then more of the young converts.  A gentleman from Leeds and brother Sankey concluded. Thus was brought to a close this sweet hour of joy and praise,

The next hour, 12 to one, was opened with singing and an address by Mr Morgan of London, on “Warfare,” being pictures drawn from the history of Israel. Mr Moorehouse followed with a few very pregnant remarks on Ephesians 6 10 et cetera. The whole armour offensive and defensive. Reverend D Lowe continued the subject, speaking on the two bruises on the Cross – Jesus’ heal bruised and Satan’s head bruised. We have a wounded foe. We shall be more than conquerors. Mr Sankey sang “Dare to be a Daniel, and Mr Hoyle spoke on the certainty of our final victory. Mr Morgan added a few words on “Daniel’s band.” Mr Sankey sang “Hold the Fort,” a very stirring and enlivening song. Mr Swinburne spoke a few suitable words. Mr Sankey sang “Only Armour Bearer.” 

One o'clock having now arrived, after singing, Mr Hoyle opened the subject for the next hour - service and communion, speaking of Moses on Pisgah… Mr Moody asked the young converts to go with him to the Presbyterian Chapel close by; A large number withdrew, their places being immediately filled by eager newcomers.

It being now 2:00 pm, Mr Henry Moorehouse gave a very instructive address on “What are we to Christ.” 

At 3:00 pm Mr Moody said that 500 or 600 persons were waiting at the door for an opportunity to enter and requested some who had sat a long time to leave and make room for them. a number retired, but very many of the newcomers could not get in. Mr Moody discoursed, with his usual power on, ”What Christ is to us,” dwelling on him as the Saviour, the Redeemer, the Quickener, the Way, the Light, the Teacher, the Shepherd, the Keeper and the Burden Bearer of his people. Closing with most precious exhortations to all, Especially to the new converts, pressing them to keep close to Jesus. His closing remarks were full of spiritual action and most tender feelings for newborn souls. This happy day closed with prayer and singing “Shall we gather at the River?”

The singing throughout, led by Mr Sankey was of a high spiritual character, as it always is when the Holy Ghost is present in power and it's sweet strains will leave a mark on many hearts many days hence. The Lord is still blessing the word nightly and many precious souls are being saved. To our adorable God be all the praise and all the glory!

"The Christian", 23rd October, 1873.


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