Aylesbury (1876)

We have on several occasions, of late, recorded a greatly revived interest in the Lord's work here. A correspondent, writing
on the 14th inst., says: - 

With the New Year, God sent a great awakening by the instrumentality of Mr J. E. Taylor and his friends. The churches have been roused, and have come forward to the work with hearts freshly kindled into love to their Master, to each other, and to the perishing souls around. Hundreds who never before would listen to the Gospel have been brought under its influence, and many, many souls have been saved.

A few weeks ago when expecting that Mr Taylor would shortly remove to carry on the work elsewhere, the Christian men of the town formed an Association for united effort, both in carrying on Gospel meetings and in watching over and instructing the new converts. The first result of this Association is the establishment of eight cottage services in different parts of the town, conducted by as many bands of four or five Christian men, (most of them young, both as men and as Christians). In order to do its work effectively the Association will have to "arise and build" a good large hall for public services, a few rooms for smaller meetings, and - most important of all - a reading room well-stocked with books of reference for our young brethren to prepare their addresses, &c.; for they propose to extend operations to the neighbouring villages very shortly.

"The Christian," March 23rd, 1876.

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