Lenton (1874)

The readers of THE CHRISTIAN were lately requested to remember in prayer the large manufacturing village of Lenton,
Then about to be visited by William Taylor, of the Evangelisation Society. They are now asked to praise God for having
answered those prayers in a very remarkable manner. 

The blessing has been far greater than our weak faith anticipated. We expected droppings, but the Lord sent us a sower such as this village has never experienced before. To Him be all the glory!

It having been kindly arranged by the Evangelisation Society for William Taylor to hold a series of meetings in Lenton, we were led to seek the sympathy and cooperation of our Nonconformist brethren. Very kindly and cordially they consented to unite with the Church of England in this effort to promote the Redeemer's kingdom and He who loves to see brethren dwell together in unity commanded a blessing, even life forevermore.

The meetings night after night were thronged - 600 crammed into a hall built to contain 400, and it rejoiced our hearts to see crowds of working men present, all listening with breathless interest to the sweet story of God's redeeming love towards a lost and guilty world.

Never can these meetings be forgotten in Lenton. The addresses, which were of a very solemn, rousing character, were accompanied with a mighty power from on high. Into many a hard heart the arrow of conviction entered. From many an eye the scales of unbelief fell off, and the Sun of Righteousness shone in upon the once darkened mind.

At the close of each address anxious souls thronged the side room, while believers remained together in the large hall to plead for their conversion, Nor did they plead in vain, for numbers, as we trust, were brought to Jesus on each evening,
and returned to their homes with bright faces and happy hearts, to testily to friends and neighbours what the Lord had
done for their souls. It was a sweet and blessed privilege to point these anxious ones to Jesus and to see first one and then another led out of darkness, doubt, and unbelief to the arms of the loving Saviour.

The blessing has reached all classes - husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, young men and maidens and even little
children, have touched the hem of Christ's garment and been made perfectly whole. "The Lord has done great things for us whereof we are glad.""Bless the Lord and O our souls and all that is within us bless his holy name."

For a long period previous to this awakening, believers in Lenton were led to wrestle with God in earnest, united, believing prayer. The glorious news of revivals in all parts of our land stirred the Christians here to plead importunately for a share of blessing. The Lord has heard and answered in a wonderful manner. Let this encourage all who are thus thirsting for a similar blessing upon themselves or their neighbourhood. "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think." "If two
of you shall agree as touching anything they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."

"The Christian", April 9th, 1874.

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Location unknown.

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