Glastonbury (1876)

Among the many places where God's Spirit is working in these last days, Glastonbury may now be named. For two years a few people have been pleading together, week by week, that God would send a revival to this little town. Earnest prayer had gone up so long, and believingly we put our hand to the work, our trust in the living God, our "eyes up to the hills." God could send the people, and we asked it of Him: gradually there came crowds of eager hearers. The evident power of God increased at each service, and, best of all, we saw the conversion of many souls.

Gatherings for prayer and praise at noon, though not large, were seasons of deep interest, and many answers were received.
Again, the little band of praying ones were glad and rejoiced together with "the joy of harvest." Strong men wept; children of God read their titles clear for the first time; back-sliders were restored; captives who had been seven years in bondage, Jesus set at liberty.

By degrees numbers were willing to remain for the inquiry meeting and found the Lord. One night in the assembly room more than half the congregation remained to a mass inquiry meeting, and the Spirit of God made it a time of much blessing. One old man was seen crying for joy "that it was so easy to be saved." A servant-girl, much awakened, said she "did not know there were such things in the Bible, wished us to go and tell her own village the same tidings. She was surely hearing, as many others did, with new ears, for the truth we told was but the old, old story. Teachers had to give praise for four or five saved in their classes. Happy twos, threes, and fours were brought to Christ in homes. Little pools of sectarianism were lost in the flood tide of blessing God sent us: Christians of all denominations worked side by side, and rejoiced as one.

On the Sunday afternoon, after an address by Miss Haddon, two hours were needed to attend to the anxious elder scholars,
many of whom had been long waiting for the "moving of the waters." To God be all the praise.
Emberton, Newport Pagnell, March 21.

"The Christian," March 30th, 1876.

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