Dingwall Parish Church - D L Moody (1874)

A friend has kindly sent the following :

The Convention held in Inverness on Thursday last was a most happy and suitable close to Mr Moody's labours in Scotland. The only regret felt was the dull day, with its few showers; but Mr Moody, who drove into town with Mr Hugh Matheson from Elsick, his country residence near Strathpeffer, enjoyed the early morning sunshine and with those who attended the forenoon meetings got comfortably seated in the West Church (Rev. Mr M Gregor's) before rain fell. Need it be said that very many present at the Convention felt and expressed themselves grateful to God for the opportunity given of meeting Christian friends from all parts of our land and joining with them in "praising and blessing God?" 

In Times of Blessing of last week, it was stated that Mr Moody was to preach in Dornoch on Sabbath, 23rd August, which he did.  He also held an open-air service at Golspie on the Tuesday following, and came on to Dingwell in the evening, having accepted the invitation of the Rev Mr McAllister to preach in the Established  Church at half-past seven. Mr M'Callister opened the service by giving out the 100th Psalm, which was sung right heartily by the crowded audience. Mr M'Callister
having read requests which had been sent in, engaged in prayer, after which the audience sang the third hymn in the solo book, "I am so glad that Jesus loves me." Mr Moody having read Matt. xxv. 14-30 and Mark xiii. 31, gave out the 54th Paraphrase to be sung, and then delivered a stirring address from these words in Matt. xxv. 15 and Mark xiii. 34: "To every man according to his several abilities,'" and "To every man his work;" showing the duty of every Christian to work for God - to use our ten talents, or our one talent, as the case may be. Fathers, mothers, Sabbath-school teachers, and individual Christian workers, each in their own sphere, to work in faith, fearing nought but sin. At the close, it gave general satisfaction, the announcement that Mr Moody would again preach the next evening in the same building. Having gone to be guest at Elsick, he accompanied Mr Matleson to the daily prayer meeting at Strathpeffer on Wednesday forenoon, and at the close made a few most useful and interesting remarks upon faith from Mark ii. and Matt. ix.

This daily prayer meeting has been held for several years during the summer months, and has been a rallying place for "soldiers of the Cross." Many a precious word has fallen into good ground here, and sprung up, and brought forth fruit "many days hence" and in many a weary land. The visitors at this lovely watering place are much indebted to Mr Matheson for
providing the building suitable for "the sweet hour of prayer." It was an agreeable surprise to many to see Mr Moody come in. A visitor to the wells from London used the expression that he never was so impressed with the general extent of the present religious movement in Scotland till he came to Strathpeffer, meeting, as he did daily, with people from all parts of England and Scotland, revived, refreshed, and quickened, and their hearts beating in unison and sympathy with one another. At night, Mr Moody drove down to Dingwall and addressed a very crowded audience in the Established Church. Mr M Callister opened the meeting by giving out part of the 19th Psalm to be sung and read several requests for prayer, which was offered by Mr M'Gregor of the Free Church, Ferrintosh. The hymn, "I am so glad that Jesus loves me," was sung, after which Mr Moody read passages from 1 Cor xv and Isaiah Liii and "Rock of Ages" being sung, he delivered an address, or rather a running commentary, on selected passages of the word of God bearing on the blood of Christ. At the close of the meeting, many remained behind at Mr Moody's invitation to a prayer meeting; Mr M'Callister and Mr Hugh Matheson led in prayer, after which a number remained, and engaged in conversation with Mr Moody and others who assisted him. Mrs Barbour of Bonskeid, who had come from Pitlochry during the day, was most useful in the inquiry room. We understand arrangements are forming for a series of evangelistic meetings in Dingwall, which we earnestly trust may be carried out as in other towns. Evidences are not awanting of good results - God owning the work, as He has so graciously done elsewhere. And in the Strathpeffer district, we are glad to hear of continued evidences of good fruit from the former meetings held there a few weeks ago. May the Lord God of Hosts work mightily in the town and district, that many true, earnest-living Christians may be added to the Church daily, of such as shall be saved. He took for granted, he said, that all before him were agreed.

"Times of Blessing," Sept 3rd, 1874.

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