Callander Free Church (1874)

THE cheering news of "times of refreshing" and quickening "from the presence of the Lord" in Edinburgh stirred in us a desire for like blessings upon our village and its neighbourhood, and formed our plea at the throne of grace, although the way by which the blessing might come seemed altogether hidden from us.  We earnestly desired to be enabled to look away from an "arm of flesh," and besought the Lord to bless and to bless in His own way.

Commencing with the week of united prayer, a meeting for special prayer which was held first at twice a week, ultimately became a daily meeting and has been graciously owned of God. On a visit to Callender Lodge in February and beginning of March, Mr Henry Edwards of Brighton held a series of evangelistic services in the Free Church and schoolroom, which will be long remembered amongst us. The reviving of the Lord's people, the manifestly deep interest and desire created in all, and specially the precious fruits gathered, are matters we cannot speak too thankfully of. Since Mr Edwards left us, the work has been carried on, at intervals, principally by deputations from Edinburgh and seems in no way to abate, but slowly to increase. Without giving any details of cases, we rejoice to say that although the blessing has not visited us like a shower, we have had a continual dropping.  At every after-meeting numbers remained to be spoken to. We have reason to believe not a few have been brought to the Lord. And while it has evidently been bestowed upon persons of every age, we cannot overlook the fact that the young of our village have been the principal sharers of the blessing. With a more lively interest apparent in the attendance on the ordinary means of grace, special means are eagerly being asked for. Cottage meetings for females, being conducted by a lady resident in the vicinity,  have been established, and the Sabbath morning meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association is of the most encouraging character.

"Times of Blessing," May 7th, 1874.

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