Worcester (1874)

We are living in solemn yet remarkable times. The spirit of the living God is working marvellously on the minds of the people. The light of the glorious gospel mingled with the Holy Ghost power is extending from place to place, illuminating dark hearts and dispelling the clouds of unbelief which have so long hindered the blessing from coming to saint and sinner, so that thousands who a short time since were sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, through the tender mercy of our God have been visited by the Dayspring from on high and are now rejoicing and singing with all their hearts. 

Since the week of prayer, I have been enabled more fully than ever before to enter into the spirit of the apostle when he exclaimed, “thanks be unto to God which always causes us to triumph in Christ and makes manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.” Born on the arms of faith and prayer by the many hundreds of believers who every Monday evening assembled at Bethesda Chapel, Bristol, to plead for the Lord's work and workers, I have gone forth strengthened and encouraged thereby and in those places where there have been the most prayerful expectancy of faith exercise, there the Lord has commanded the greatest blessing to rest and the work still continues deepening, widening and extending to the regions beyond.

Since January the 12th, I have been privileged to hold special evangelistic services in Chepstow, Leo Minster, Ludlow, Ross, Hereford, Worcester, Parton, Falfield, Yate, Chipping Sodbury, Berkeley, Compton, Westbury, Redwick, Weston super mare, Bristol and Clifton; And in each of these cities, towns, and villages, times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord have been experienced by his Saints and numbers of precious souls won for the Saviour. In fact, it has been a continuous season of reaping ever since 12:30 AM on January 1st, when after an address at a watch service, the Lord gave me one soul as an earnest of more to follow. Many hundreds since then have I had the joy of seeing pass from darkness to light and of hearing confess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. To his name be all the glory!


"The Christian", March 26th, 1874.

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