In our beautiful Town Hall about 1,600 Christian workers assembled, on the morning of Sabbath, June 2nd, to hear Mr Moody's first address, which he said was meant to encourage and direct those before him in Christian work. He dwelt upon the qualifications of the successful Christian worker, e.g., courage, faith, enthusiasm, If the spirit be manifested in that address could be caught up by those present, Paisley would speedily have good reason for thanking God for his visit.
The afternoon meeting was a great success. The Hall was filled soon after the doors were opened and many hundreds had to go away disappointed. Taking as his text, "Adam, where art thou?" Mr Moody grappled earnestly and lovingly with the consciences of his hearers; he compelled each one, professing Christians, backslider and careless sinner alike, to face the question, "Where am I?" A solemn awe stole over every heart as the preacher pressed home the question with ever-increasing power. When Abbey Close UP church nearby was reached by Mr Moody and the workers, it was found that the inquirers were numerous and also deeply in earnest. Those who were present can never forget what follwed; many of them who have seen a good deal of this kind of work, remarked that it was the most solemn and the most successful meeting for anxious inquirers they ever attended. As one after another stood up and said in a subdued tone of voice, "I will trust and not be afraid," Christians bowed their heads in silent prayer and thanksgiving. This went on for about an hour, Mr Moody and others bringing text after text to bear upon the cases before them.
It was now nearly time for the evening meeting, when the hall was again completely packed, leaving hundreds more outside. Mr Moody spoke from the text, "What seek ye?" and a large meeting of inquirers followed. It was altogether a day of solemn power in the experience of very many.
We greatly regret having to curtail the interesting report of our correspondent, owing to the pressure on our space. The experiences Sunday, we may add, were repeated during the week.
Our correspondent says:-
It is not wise to reveal the secrets of the inquiry room, but one or two instances may be given. A man rises as his minister passes, and says, "I did not like to go home tonight without telling you that yesterday I took Christ as my Saviour, and have the courage to confess him before others. I am happy as I never was before, and I knew that if I told you of this you would rejoice with me." Another man in the prime of life, who had seen much of the world, was there clinging to the Saviour, and hoping that the means some Christian workers are taking to induce his wife to come back to him will be successful. His drinking habits had forced her to flee from him; but now, with Christ in his heart, he is looking forward to a happy home life. A brother and a sister walk away home together exchanging the two texts that have been blessed to them, "Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out," "The gift of God is eternal life."
Thursday was the last day of this Gospel feast, which has been so greatly enjoyed by thousands. Mr Moody gave a Bible reading in the large hall at three o'clock on "How to study the Bible." He kept up the attention of the audience for about an hour whilst he gave them useful hints as to how they could make the best use of that Book which he so dearly loves. Mr Sankey, who was a great favourite when he was here last, was present and sang several solos with fine taste and tender feeling. It was calculated that somewhere about 3,000 must have been in the hall in the evening. Mr Moody, who had been addressing a meeting in Johnstone during the interval, was deeply moved as he stepped upon the platform, saying that the impression he wished to carry away from the Paisley meetings was the one made on his mind as he came along the corridor and heard that great congregation sing the line, " Hallelujah! what a Saviour." His subject was The Deluge, and his appeal at the close, "Come into the ark, thou, and all thy house." was most impressive. The inquiry meeting which followed was larger than on any previous night, and the results were such as made Mr Moody say "My heart is glad." May God bless his ministry in other places as it has been blessed in Paisley.
"The Christian," 13th June 1882.