Torquay - D L Moody (1882)

Mr Moody and Mr Sankey have come and gone. But the enriching blessing which came with them will, we trust, never go. Mr Moody expressed the opinion that Torquay was the most beautiful place he had ever seen. And we who dwell here can add, that the spiritual beauty of the place has been greatly enhanced by the addition of many trees of the Lord's planting, who, we trust, will bud and blossom, and bear much fruit, until they are transplanted to the paradise above.

Thousands have flocked each day to listen to the spirit-stirring addresses and sweet songs of these two Christian brothers, and hundreds received a blessing. A series of preparatory prayer meetings and evangelistic services had been held by the local brethren of all denominations for some days previous. And one result of this happy united action on their part was that, as he expressed it, Mr Moody "got hold" of the people from the first.

A large number have given in their names and addresses in the inquiry room, but they do not represent by any means the number of those who had found Christ during the last four days. In this resort of wealth and fashion many, of the upper classes especially, preferred to have private intercourse with their own clergy, rather than go into the inquiry room, and lay bare their difficulties before strangers. At one after-meeting for instance, on Thursday afternoon, whilst over 60 stood up at Mr Moody's request to signify that they wished the prayers of God's people that they might become Christians that day, not half of these went into the inquiry-room - so that we do not pretend to approximate the number of conversions. But we can safely say that hundreds have been brought to Christ, that hundreds more have been revived and comforted, that backsliders have been restored, and the Church of Christ strengthened through the instrumentality of these men of God.

To Him be all the praise.


Ellacombe Vicarage, Torquay.

"The Christian," 30th November 1882

Additional Information

I do not know where the meetings were held.

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