We have great reason to rejoice over the revival that is taking place among the Baptists in this town. On Lord's-day, Oct. 19th, our pastor, Mr H. W. Jones, had the pleasure of administering the ordinance of baptism to twenty-three believers on profession of faith in Jesus Christ - two males and twenty-one females, who were all added to the church the same evening. And on Nov. the 9th, eleven more put on Christ by baptism - five males and six females. Three of these had been independents - one female had been for nine years; and one was the son of an independent, who led him to the waterside, and after he was baptized he received him. These were also added to the church the same evening. We have several more candidates before the church. At Priory Street Chapel, Oct. 27th, sixteen were baptized by Mr H. W. Jones of the Tabernacle Chapel four young men and twelve females. They were baptised in the river that runs near the tin works. Many assembled to witness the administration of the ordinance.
"The Baptist Reporter," January 1857
13 more were baptised on January 4th, 1857.