Calfaria Chapel, Aberdare (1857)

We met again on the banks of the river Cynnon, whose water's have been so often consecrated by the sacred rite of baptism, on Lor'd's-day morning, May 10, when more than two thousand spectators were assembled to behold the
solemn scene of burial with Christ. Mr Price stood up and preached from, "Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read," after which he led nine believers down into the water and baptized them. These were all added unto the church. Many more are asking the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward.

"The Baptist Reporter," July 1857

-The Lord has been very gracious to us. During last year we had the gratification of baptizing a large number, and we rejoice in the Lord that the good hand of our God is still with us. Jan. 17, after a sermon by Mr D. Edwards, of Beufort, our minister, Mr Price, baptized two young sisters;  another candidate who intended being baptised was taken ill on the previous day. Lord's-day, Feb. 14, we again met at the riverside. The weather was cold, yet there were at least two thousand persons present. After a sermon by Mr E. Williams, Glyn-Neath, Mr Price, our minister, led into the river Cynnon and immersed fifteen converts, eight males and seven families. Thirteen were from our Sabbath school.

"The Baptist Reporter," March 1858

It is difficult to judge a revival from such a short report, however the used words and the fact that our biggest revival ever began soon afterwards, leads me to think that a move of God was going on here.

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